This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘hemispheres’

Window Furniture Shopping?

Mother and I decided that one afternoon we would fake re-do the downstairs because we have had the same furniture for oh…about my whole life. So randomly one afternoon we hopped in the car and drove here:


Ahhhhh, I smell good lookin’ furniture. Our main goal was to do the kitchen and our living room. We started with a new kitchen table. We decided we needed a circular table because our rectangle one was hard to put food in the center when you have six plates around it. So we found this one:


But the problem was that when we have family in town for Christmas and other holidays we need to be able to extend the table and this didn’t extend. So then we found this one. We really liked it and especially that bench on one side of it. Look at the texture of the table in the right picture. We kept this one in mind although it wasn’t circular.

 IMG_1073 IMG_1074

The next table we found was pretty cool. It was a circular table and the “leaf” for extension goes on the outside of the table. We thought it was super clever, but even with the leaf it only fit about 6 people. We still kept it in mind.


The last kitchen table that we saw is called the “pizza table” can you guess why?? Cause the extensions look like a pizza! You pull the pizza slice out and then pull another thing up to create the extension. Pretty brilliant, but the only problem we had with it was the issue that food would get stuck in the cracks and be hard to clean, because it is the kitchen table and frequently used.


No more kitchen tables, but then we started to re-do the patio outside. My parents were thinking about having some couples over for drinks on the patio so we thought we would check out the tables and furniture while we were there. This one I particularly liked. It’s big enough to fit 6 people around for snacks and drinks. And the seats are high enough up that you don’t have to fall into your chair.


I liked this fire pit and the chairs with it. I don’t know why, just ’cause I guess.


Look what I found while walking around: A LEOPARD LOVE SEAT! Sold.


And I liked these two things for wall decor:


And for the BEST part. New family room furniture. We found some others but this was my favorite so this was the only one I took a picture of. This love seat/ottoman/chair/whatever has my heart. It was so comfy that I almost fell asleep there in the middle of the store. Order it for my bedroom, I will use it as a bed! It was THAT awesome.


And of course the matching couch. I talked my mom into it because you can make the long side shorter and the short side longer. I half-convinced her that it matched our window treatments, but she wasn’t buying it. Figuratively and literally. When it’s time for a new family room, Molly knows how she wants to decorate it!


We were at SAMs Club the other day and came across this kitchen table. I really liked the chairs and the legs of the table, however it had the grooves that would make for hard cleaning and the chairs probably would fit taller/larger people that well. But still, we liked it. Just not for our house.


 And you can’t of course forget this pretty piece of furniture that we found at Costco while doing our grocery shopping. Look an almost 6 foot teen can fit on this thing. It’s a good size for any room in the house and a good price too.


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