This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘internship’

October Goals

I know October started a week ago, but I had so much other fun stuff planned last week, that this was the first available day I had to post my monthly goals. This is my recap of September followed by what’s coming for October!!


  1. Get to Church EVERY Sunday and spend the Lord’s Sabbath day resting. 
    1. While I have not physically been at Church every Sunday, I sit in my room usually before bed now and follow along with the sermon series online and take my notes then. While I would have liked to physically have been there, sometimes it just isn’t able to happen. I also changed my availability on Sundays to where they can’t schedule me, and honestly… If you work anywhere and can change your availability to no Sunday shifts, do it for yourself! Give yourself a day of rest. You deserve it!
  2. Make 5 new recipes.
    1. Andrea’s Enchiladas
    2. Andrea’s Pulled Pork
    3. Shay’s Chicken Fajita Soup
    4. Morgan’s Olaf Birthday cake
    5. Costco’s Sun-dried Tomato Tilapia
  3. Work out 3-4 times/week.
    1. Check, yes! If i’m not running, i’m walking, going to Yoga, following along with my pilates video, etc. As long as i’m doing some kind of work out, I feel good. And I have made it 3-4 times/week.
  4. Establish a routine, whether it be a weekly/daily/monthly routine.
    1. I posted about my morning routine a couple weeks ago, so check it out! My Sunday mornings have become routine. My dad and I wake up at 7:00am and drive over to the golf course to practice about 2 hours. We get Starbucks on the way there and we get home before everyone else wakes up. Then, i’ll usually head over to yoga and Church afterwards. I looove Sunday mornings!
  5. Buy myself 2 new things because I didn’t do it last month.
    1. I bought myself a new gold bracelet, some fall clothes, and scarves, and entry into the Susan G. Komen race for the cure. And i’m currently waiting on some other goodies to show you 🙂
  6. Grow my blog!
    1. In September, I had 861 views. This makes me way way waaaay excited! I appreciate y’all for making this such a fun thing for me to do, and to look forward to. I also gained 9 followers. And had 12 comment, which are my FAVORITE thing to see.. Along with many non-blogging friends text me and tell me they love my blog. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me! Please keep on and share with people you know!
  7. Get 3/9 of my Christmas presents. And a birthday present for mom!
    1. I decided to underline this, because I didn’t necessarily GET all my gifts, however I did come up with ideas. I just have to turn them into gifts. But i’m just happy I started somewhere.


  1. Internship.
    1. I’m lucky enough to have an HR recruiter as my neighbor. I previously have talked with her and she said she might know someone in need of an intern. So, I want to get in contact with her and find an internship for the spring. Or possibly the summer.
  2. Christmas gifts.
    1. Turn my ideas into tangible presents that I need to wrap. AKA get my presents. I want to have at least half my shopping done by the end of this month. Because after Halloween Thanksgiving, finals, mom’s birthday and Christmas come SUPER FAST.
  3.  Organize my closet.
    1. My closet is all over the place! Since my brother and I switched rooms, I haven’t organized my clothes yet and i’ve got t-shirts with dresses and all that. It drives the OCD in me crazy, so i’m deeming this month the perfect time!
  4. Make Angel Food Cake on Angel Food Cake day.
    1. My calendar tells me that Friday (October 10) is A.F.C day, so of course i’m going to celebrate it!
  5. Finish Revenge and start a book.
    1. This is more about giving myself some down time, but I want to finish season 3 of Revenge on Netflix and get started with another book. I finished Sweet Salt Airand I LOVED IT!!! So did my mom! If you like the beach, blogging, love stories, heart break, you will like it to. For $10!
  6. School stuff.
    1. I finish my government class next week…it’s an express class and then i’ll start History the week after, but I want an A in that class so my transfer GPA will be boosted. Along with that, I need to apply for scholarships to pay for classes next semester.

This is all i’ve got for this month. I think it’s a pretty big/time consuming list, but I think that writing it down will help me accomplish these goals.

What are your goals for this month?
Do we have any of the same ones?

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