This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘monopoly’

Friday Favorites

How is it that Fridays are suppose to be the relaxing beginning of the weekend and I run around like a mad-woman??? Anyways, now that I have a little free time I am linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites!


FAVORITE ONE: Seeing this pretty sunset the other night on my run was so calming. It just reminded me of our wonderful Creator of sunsets. Please know I am not a photographer and know how to take it at cute angles haha but it was so pretty!!


FAVORITE TWO: Monopoly. Monday/Wednesdays are my days to nanny after school. I pick up the kiddos at the bus stop and then we come home and do homework. They aren’t allowed to have electronics during the week, so we have to find another source of entertainment for the ones that don’t have sports that day. Our favorite thing has become monopoly playing. We had a continuing game all last week. My sister goes on Tuesday/Thursday so her and I switched players.


FAVORITE THREE: Y’all might recognize daisy. Ryan went with me to check on her one day and she just LOVED him. She wanted to dance with him and hold his hand. And he equally adored her. Ry needs a puppy!


FAVORITE FOUR: New books coming out! My momma’s favorite author is Susan Elizabeth Phillips and her latest book came out at the end of AugustHeroes Are My Weakness is going to be a great read and I can’t wait to read it after my mom does (she gets first dibs)

Susan Phillips

FAVORITE FIVE: A big ol’ cup of coffee. TGFC. Thank goodness for coffee. Before I became a coffee drinker I had no idea what I was missing. I think more than just the taste itself I like having my cup next to me while i’m working in the morning.


I love this link-up. Our favorite things keep us going. Share yours with these ladies!

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