This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘outdoor plant section’


Gardening is the most recent hobby I have picked up. It all started when mom and I were running dads errands (of course) and we were getting something at Lowe’s for him. Mom decided to stop by the outdoor plant section. She loves her some Italian food and so we always either have basil growing outside or sitting somewhere in the kitchen. See…


This is outside the garage,,,of all places. Next to dads pot of grass. He’s weird, I know. But that’s another story for another time.

Anyways back to Lowe’s, we were searching for basil and mom couldn’t find her sweet basil (no really that’s what it’s called), she didn’t want Italian basil or whatever other kinds of basil they had. Just regular sweet basil. So once she realized they didn’t have any more in stock she decided to look at the parsley, oregano, and all her other spices. Momma likes spices. As she was doing that I kind of thought to myself as I was passing the other kinds of vegetables how cool it would be to start my own “garden”. So, with moms credit card, I did just that!!! (See, there are perks of living at home.)

We bought cilantro, cucumber, edamame (dad’s favorite), oregano, tons of basil, spearmint, peppermint, chives, rosemary, and dill. You see we didn’t do the whole vegetable garden because my mom, the poor woman, she just can’t grow a weed if she wanted to. So she bought them and said I had to take care of it. I didn’t have any background info on gardening beforehand so I decided to start small. This is how it turned out…


My own personal mini garden, and I think it’s perfect. It’s fun, and sometimes hard because it’s easy to forget about it. My dad helps though because Saturday’s are his work-outside-days so he waters on the weekends. I enjoy gardening because it’s a lot of practice nurturing and being patient, both of which come in handy at times.

SO, 3 months later and this is where i’m at:


This is my favorite plant in my garden because it’s shown the most growth. You can see my little cherry tomatoes coming in!! Can’t wait to be eating them!

This is my least favorite plant to garden: My cilantro… it shot up the quickest….at first. I went outside the other day and saw that my poor cilantro was thrown in the trash.


As crazy as it sounds this is another thing I like about gardening, the failures! Life is full of failures and now i’ve learned that I can’t grow cilantro (i’m blaming on that ol’ TX heat) but a lesson learned is a lesson learned. I see gardening to be very therapeutic (when it’s not hot outside).

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