This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘taco bell’

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday the 13th!


Today’s just another Friday Favorites with Erika, Andrea, and Narci.



I’ve said it once before, and i’ll say it again. Bloglovin’ is the BEST. I mean seriously, it lets me know when all of my friends (you all) post so I can keep track of everyone and know whose post i’ve read, and make sure to comment on everyone’s post. Because y’all know comments are my favorite! Follow me so I can follow you back 🙂



So…me and four of my favorite girls as seen on Meet My Peeps could possibly be going to NYC in January around my birthday. IT’S NOT FOR SURE!!!!! But I wanted to ask those of you who have been…

  1. Where do we stay?
  2. What do we do?
  3. Where do we eat?
  4. What airport do we fly into?
  5. Do we take a taxi everywhere or get a rental car??



“It’s tradition”


Ry asked me a couple weeks ago if I was going to the volleyball game because my alma mater made it to playoffs. Which YAY. And I asked if he wanted someone to go with him and he said yes, so after class last Thursday we met up with mom and went to the game! This past Tuesday night they played again and when he asked me if we could go again he said “Yeah you are, it’s tradition!” He is just like me and it’s my favorite because that totally sounds like something I would do or say. I love that he thought something as simple as meeting me after class to go watch the volleyball game together is a tradition that we just had to do again. 🙂 #reasonsilovelivingathomestill


This time we stopped for dog food Taco Bell beforehand. Ohhhhh man do I miss my favorite Doritos Locos tacos that I used to get for lunch like, every day in high school.


And that healthy, delicious, non-processed food above leads me to my fourth favorite this week…

an UPDATE from week 1 of my new fitness goals 🙂

  1. No eating after 8:00 p.m. So the point of this goal was to get me to not eat after 8 when I had already eaten dinner and was just sitting around, likely eating out of boredom. However…I failed at this one this weekend. There were times that I ate dinner around 6-7ish and then went out for the night. By the time it was close to 3ish and I got hungry. I tried to make sure it was relatively healthy stuff. I just tried listening to my body. Working on this one!
  2. Meal prep every Sunday for the week ahead following the 21 day fix plan. I did not meal prep this week, but I had a lot of leftover food in my fridge from recipes i’ve already made that i’ve been able to eat off of. One is Shay’s Chicken and Spinach Enchilada Soup. YUM.
  3. Eat 5 small meals without snacking in between those. Right now i’m keeping a journal from 11/5-12/5 of what exactly i’m eating and when. Looking through it, it looks like i’m eating close to 2.5-3 hours. Sometimes i’m not hungry in that amount of time and sometimes i’m hungry before. Like I said, i’m just listening to my body. This is probably the most important thing anyways!
    This is my mock burrito bowl from Saturday night’s dinner. Shred some lettuce, brown up some beef, toss some tomatoes, beans, cheese, whatever you normally put on your Chipotle and put it in a bowl. Done. Dinner is served. And dinner is good.
  4. Work-out 5 days a week. And also looking in my journal, i’ve seen that since last week I worked out every day but 1. There was another day that I got bored during my work-out and stopped. But other than that, i’ve been doing something for at least 30 minutes/day! Also, I thought now would be a good time to sign up for a free week of yoga at a studio near me because I knew I wanted to try hot yoga from Lindsay’s post. IT’S SO AWESOME. More to come on that! 😉
  5. Cut down on the carbs. I could probably do better with this goal too. It looks like I haven’t had more than one serving of carbs a day, which is really good! Although for carbs (since i’ve got my gluten free bread) i’ve taken a slice, put avocado on top, scrambled egg whites on top of that with some salsa and breakfast is served! I’m all over this.

I like seeing this update because it shows me what to work on this upcoming week. Now I know because I forced myself to go through and notice what i’m doing right and what I can still improve on! Bring it on!

I think i’m just going to keep it short and sweet with those favorites from this week.


Throw your hands in the air if you’re happy it’s Friday! Hope everyone has a fun fall weekend!

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