This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


Today is Friday and that should be a favorite just in and of itself, even though it was only a 3 day week! Join me and let’s talk favorites from this past week.




I honestly don’t even remember what I did last weekend because I feel like I slept all weekend. ALL. WEEKEND. And that’s just a favoriteย for not only me but everyone that has to come in contact with me. Because #clapsforanotcrankymolly



Saturday night I saw one of my favorite people for a super late chips and salsa run after this one got off work. We were going to have margaritas for national margarita day, but then neither of us got one haha. We giggled and she talked about her super awesome job that she’s been having to work 65 hours at a week. CRAZY! And I forgot to take a picture, so here’s an old one of Reeana ๐Ÿ™‚



After Church and Yoga on Sunday I met up with one of my other favorite people for more chips and salsa and a spicy salad. Don’t get Chili’s santa fe salad if you’re a wimp when it comes to spicy stuff like me. Em came home for the weekend and I didn’t take a picture again so here’s an old one too ๐Ÿ˜‰



Monday we had our first snow day of 2015. It was like a five day weekend as it went all the way through Tuesday. It was the best, most relaxing, calm couple of days even if I did get a little stir crazy. I especially loved having Tuesday off of school!



Texas weather is CRAZY. Crazy, I tell you! Here I am going to work with snow falling in my pretty! This is probably my favorite picture of 2015 so far. Yes of myself I know what you’re thinking. BUT SNOW!!!!! And it was sleeting/white/snowing/raining on the way to work.

IMG_5408 IMG_5411

I got to work and decided to get a big ol’ cup of coffee to get me through the morning ๐Ÿ™‚ Disclaimer: I never thought i’d have a selfieย of me drinking coffee on a blog ever. Yet here I am. Life is funny like that.


AND THEN! This was my view as I was leaving work. Sunshine, clear roads, and 50 degree weather. I was actually sweating. With the air conditioner on. It was crazy, so if you’re thinking of moving to Texas you better make sure you realize it might go from 30 degrees and snowing to sunshine and 50 degrees in a matter of hours ๐Ÿ˜‰



Wednesday was my favorite four year old’s birthday and we celebrated with bowling (where she beat us all!). Her actual birthday party is coming up in March so i’m sure you’ll be seeing her around again soon. I just want to steal this cutie pie and bring her home with me!




Also, you needย to know that only TWO MORE DAYS are left until Taralynn‘s 65% off boots (with code: boots) and scarves (for $15.99) is over. How is it not everyone’s favorite when we’re talking discount codes?! You might be needing a scarf and boots this weekend if you’re here in Texas.


Happy Weekending. See ya on Monday!!!

Comments on: "Friday Favorites: Texas Weather is Crazy Edition" (3)

  1. 1. I love heart love chips and salsa.
    2. Texas weather looks like fun;)
    3. That Taralynn’s scarf is super cute!


  2. Catching up on sleep is so amazing. I might just have to do that this weekend myself. I’ve been traveling back and forth for work and it has worn me out! Looks like an all-around fun week.

    Thanks for joining us for H54F:)


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