This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Like I said in my June goals on Monday, I have not been very good about reading lately…I really wish I had time during the day to read, but working kind of limits that. I mean, they won’t pay me to read…seriously?! By the time my head hits my pillow I pretty much pass out. I’m currently in the process of reading this book:


and it’s taken me a while. I was better about reading last summer. It’s crazy how different life is with “a big kid job”. I’ve noticed so many changes and differences than what my life used to be like. And I feel like it’s only going to change from here. Ready or not. Other than reading Goodbye Ed, Hello Me I’ve decided to dive into about a chapter every day of Unglued while i’m doing my Quiet Time.


I started Unglued about a month ago, but never finished it. I decided that I wanted to finish it, so what better way than incorporating it into my quiet time after reading through my Bible every morning?

Although I haven’t been reading…i’ve been watching Netflix while I work on some other things. Several movies that I want to show you…


One (mid)night in the car I was driving with Rick and he asked me if I had seen God’s Not Dead. I had heard of the movie and saw the sign sitting outside of the theaters, but didn’t actually know what it was about. I asked him if he watched it and he said he did and that he liked it. Well, I started it as soon as we got home and probably would have finished it had I not fallen asleep. So I finished it the next day. And was a huge fan of this movie!!! I’d highly recommend it. It challenged me in my personal relationship with Christ and i’ve found myself thinking about it since then.


Then, I saw this on my recommended movies or something like that on Netflix. My mom and I actually bought this movie a year or so ago, but just haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. I LOVED this movie. I’m already a fan of Jana Kramer so I knew I wasn’t going to hate it. I love the story, the characters, just everything about it. You need to check it out if you have a heart 😉


And currently i’m in this movie because I saw it was a new release on Netflix. I’ll have to tell you how it is once I finish it!

So do you watch Netflix movies? Or Netflix tv shows? What recommendations do you have for me??? I can’t wait to read up on everyone else’s reading this past month.

Comments on: "Books (and some Netflix) in June" (5)

  1. I’m normally just a Netflix TV girl because I want the option to be done in an hour if I want… BUT I love Jana Kramer! Like she might be my spirit animal in singer form. Her songs just speak to me. Soooo I guess I have to watch this! 😉


  2. I keep seeing The Best of Me pop up but I’m like Randi! I need the option to QUIT watching;) Life as a big kid is wonderful, right?! I’ve started adding other books to my quiet time too and I LOVE it. That’s how I got through my most recent Christian-based read so quickly! I really want to watch God’s Not Dead now!


    • BEST OF ME WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! I finished it last night at 1:00am and got teary-eyed at parts. You also need to watch God’s Not Dead. What books do you read during your quiet time?


      • WAIT I just put on God’s Not Dead and I’ve seen it before! My aunt made me watch it with her 🙂 On to The Best Of Me! And right now I’m reading The Way of Serenity!


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