This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Own It

This morning i’m linking up with Christina at The New Mrs. for her pretty new “Own It” series.


I feel like I could go to town on things that i’d own….but i’m not going to share them ALL today. I’ll leave you waiting for more 😉 Hahah!


There’s this thing where I really like baby food. Like for a while mom would buy me baby peaches and Morgan baby bananas….a year ago. Which reminds me: I was going to host a “favorite things” party this past Holiday season for everyone to fill a bag of their favorite things and we would do a swap. One of the items in my bag was baby peaches.


Within the past couple of years i’ve somehow caught the I-have-a-hard-time-sleeping bug and sleep very little. Soooo.. when I can’t sleep at night I turn on “Sleepytime Tunes (Children’s) Radio” from Pandora. Word for word that’s what it’s called. And it’s weird. But it weirdly helps my mind relax and go to sleep.


Speaking of sleeping….I sleep in my bed MAYBE 50% of the time. I’ve been found sleeping on the floor next to my bed, the couch upstairs, the couch downstairs, the guest room, my mom’s bed when dad is gone (sorry dad!). It’s not the fact that I sleep walk or anything like that, it’s just that because I do have such a hard time sleeping when I can, i’ll sleep ANYWHERE.


I’m a clean freak/germ-a-phob to the max. I carry hand sanitizer in my yoga bag, in my purse, in my backpack, in my office drawer, everywhere. I don’t like to use the restroom downstairs in my own house. I have walk upstairs to mine if I need to go. Drinking after other people disgusts me to no end. I use my shirt to open doors to public restrooms. And Heaven forbid I use that paper liner for the toilet seat…I will only squat!!


I’m 21 years old and have absolutely no problem with still living at home. This is crazy to some people but totally normal to me! I know once I graduate college i’ll be out living on my own, but right now I enjoy the constant commotion (running mom’s errands for her), having someone to annoy when I get bored (thank goodness for little brothers), the free rent (am I right?!), the free food (my gluten free stuff gets pricey!), and everything in between. I always joke about living next door to my parents when i’m older…but there’s no doubt in my mind that I want to live no farther than an hour from my family when we’re all out on our own.



This is on my sidebar, but i’m going to say it again. You can invite me to go shopping with you at the mall and I probably will, but if someone later invites me to go to some sort of sports event i’ll probably ditch you #iknowimabadfriend 😉 There’s just something about sports that I love. Unless it’s basketball…then i’ll probably go shopping with you. Ha! Sorry basketball peeps #stillloveme



My freshman year of college at OU we took this Intro to College course (it’s really not called that but it was pointless enough it could’ve been intro to breathing)…anyways so I had to take that class. Our professor somehow got on the topic of coffee and asked everyone about their favorite coffee and I told her I hated coffee. And I was serious. I despised coffee forever and ever and ever…she told me she’d give me to the end of college to change, but I didn’t believe her. Now three years later I can’t imagine going to work or school without it.


My, my how things change! Thanks for hosting Christina…hopefully some of you can relate to a few of my own it topics.

Comments on: "Own It" (19)

  1. Hi, lady! I’m stopping by from the Own it Linkup! You have some great things here, I have never heard of the Sleepytime station on Pandora, I’ll have to look into that when I have issues sleeping.

    And I’m like you, I’ll totally ditch out on friends for a sporting event. #sportsarelife!


  2. I can sleep anywhere, too! Not necessarily because I have a hard time sleeping, but more that I can really just fall asleep anywhere if I am tired!


  3. Oh my gosh I loved baby food when I was a teenager! Haha. I used to get lots of it from the store :-p Somewhere along the way, I just stopped eating it, but I totally get you!


    • SOOOO happy to know i’m not the only one!!! I’m pretty sure one of my friends said she was going to disown me when she found that little fun fact out. And in the future when I have a kid and we’re sharing baby food…so be it 😉


  4. This is so fun! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    I lived at home for as long as I could too, what’s better than home cooked meals and quality time with the fam? It’s also a testament to the closeness of your family and how your parents raised you, that you are in no rush to live on your own.

    I’m a total germaphobe too and always carry hand sanitizer with me everywhere.

    Coffee is so delicious, can’t blame you for being addicted. There are worse vices out there!


    • I love that you said that. I really do feel like my family is closer than a lot of families that I know. I’ve got years and years to live on my own, I intend to enjoy every second while I can! From one germ-a-phob to another, let’s go get ourselves a cup of coffee!!! Hehe

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoy living at home! I moved away for college and grad school but moved back in when I came home after & stayed until I got married. Saves a lot of money & the company is really nice too 🙂


    • So true – I lived on my own for the first year and a half of college and I have no regrets about being back home. I think my parents secretly enjoy it, too 😉 I know I REALLY enjoy not paying rent!!


  6. Haha too funny that you can sleep anywhere – I wish I was like that! I need my bed! Oh gosh I loved living at home and did it until I got married! My husband even had to move in for a few months while our house was finishing being built and I loved it – I still ask go go back all the time and we live only 15 minutes away and I STILL sometimes get homesick!


  7. Visiting from The New Mrs.

    I’m all about hand sanitizer…I used to be really crazy about it in high school i’ve calmed down a bit but I still have it with me at all times. I really don’t like when people touch my stuff either (same thing, germs!)

    liz @ sundays with sophie


  8. I love this linkup and am definitely going to partake next month! I completely agree with number 5. Staying at home rocks! I loved reading these and learning more about you 🙂


  9. I’m 29 and married and I still wish I lived with my mom…. So I’m with you there ! I love “own it” posts 🙂


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