This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

It’s Friday Morning and while i’m at work right now I am so excited because….vacaaaation is coming!!! That makes this Friday a favorite!


Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci and share your Friday Favorites with me!


Birthday Shenanigans

Yesterday, my favorite Ryan turned 14. That means, 1 year from yesterday the youngest kid in my family will have a learner’s permit. That also means…OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re all old. I probably just gained another wrinkle in the time it took me to write that 😉


I worked all day yesterday and Ry had a baseball game. So as a family we all went to our favorite place as kids. Dave and Busters!! I mean, we went there at least once a month. Our trip back yesterday just wasn’t the same. Well maybe it was for Ryan, because he was sure rolling in the dough tickets


Awww three of my most favorite people squeezed into one side of a tiny 4 person booth.


Ryan’s least favorite thing is being sung to (none of my family is very keen on that). But they brought out a birthday dessert, so he obliged.


Because blowing out the candle wasn’t soooooo bad.


We love you, little Ray Ray!




For people like me, this is what they call heaven in a pint. SERIOUSLY, DAIRY FREE AND GLUTEN FREE COOKIE DOUGH???? I never thought i’d live to see the day. I kind of remember trying this before. It’s not the best ice-cream in the world. But let’s be honest, lactose free ice-cream isn’t awesome. I have found a new favorite dessert and feel like it is going to be a little dangerous 😉


July’s Goal


If you read my goals for July you might remember me telling you that I want to read a book this month. This is my current read…in my favorite spot cuddled under a blanket with rain hitting the window. It doesn’t get much better than that!


And soaking in the tub after a long day with my favorite Aromatherapy bubble bath soap. So far it’s a really slow book. But i’m hopeful that it will turn around!



You might have also read that I wanted to make 5 new recipes. I worked on that a little bit Wednesday afternoon when I made Mix and Match Mama’s Sweet Corn Chili. I love chili with a side of cornbread and a rainy afternoon. It was my favorite lunch this week.



Favorite Holiday


Y’all know my favorite holiday just passed. This was not me taking mirror selfies this was me sending 2 necklace options to my mom and sister for them to decide. And we decided on this one.


Two of my favorite friends were going to come pick me up to go into Dallas – you know Tyler and Emily. I sent them this picture, because it’s SO TRUE. 3893 hours later and they finally picked me up.


We went to a place in Dallas that I had heard of before but never been to. I snapped a pic of this little mural made out of my favorite flag. I mean SO CREATIVE.


And then Emily and I shared this drink, and let’s talk about how this is our new favorite. Because it was delicious and Emily licked that popsicle up like it was 110 degrees in Texas, y’all!


Tyler said this was written about him. #K


And this is a selfie I took of me and T because he was being a brat and texting in a group text off Emily’s phone with me and another girl and I had to prove to her it was him. I mean…I can’t even get rid of Tyler ’cause he’s not my boyfriend, you know? Like they’re a packaged deal!!! 😉 Just kidding, he’s my favorite.


Climb on The Magic School Bus!


I just want you to know that The Magic School Bus is on Netflix and I may or may not have spent the rest of my Saturday night watching it with Ryan before bed. I don’t know, that’s not a proven fact. But this was our favorite show as youngsters.


WomAn Tell All!


No, sadly this isn’t some fancy way of me telling you I was invited to the Men Tell All. I wish. This is just me using a blog post idea from a sweet commenter, Randi on Monday’s post. So here’s what i’m doing: i’m asking each of you (my favorite readers) to comment 1 or 38 questions you want me to answer! Whatever you want, whatever topic you want, however deep you want to get. I’m ready to tell all!! *Insert me hoping someone wants to know more about me* Hahaha!

Grab a cup of coffee! Ready? GO! Have a fun weekend, you guys!

Comments on: "Friday Favorites: Ry’s Birthday Edition!" (22)

  1. Hahaha I love that coster… I definitely would’ve had to bring that home to enjoy! Hope you have a fabulous Friday and weekend!!


  2. Darcy said:

    I totally want to look up Magic School Bus. I loved that show!!


  3. That margarita looks so yummy! Maybe because its Friday and hot here- I want one :-). Have a great weekend!


  4. You look so much like your dad 🙂

    I loved magic school bus, great show!

    Questions for you:
    Bucket list items?
    What are your career aspirations?
    Fave book/movie/tv show?
    Fave bloggers

    Happy Friday Molly! Wish I could take you to the Men Tell All with me!


    • Everyone says that about my dad and I!! So funny you did too. Thank you so much for leaving great questions. I wish you could too because I would totally have bought a plane ticket to LA to go with you haha have a blast!!!


  5. My little brother turned 16 this year! I felt so old when that happened!

    Love me some magic school bus!

    Happy weekending!


  6. My brother turned 16 in March and we went to Dave and Buster’s to celebrate too! 🙂 In PA, you get your learner’s permit to drive when you’re 16, so this was the big birthday for him. He’s actually really good ha! That margarita. Yes. So much yes.


  7. Your 4th outfit is super cute! Happy birthday to your brother! I’m the youngest sibling so only my birthdays make me feel old, but what reeeeally made me feel old recently is when one of the girls I used to babysit graduated from high school! YIKES. #grandmaalert


    • HAHA! That happened to me the other day when I realized the little girl I babysat for is taller than me and going into high school. I should’ve listened to my parents when they said you don’t want to get older!


  8. Happy Friday Molly! Ahhh that Starbucks sounds so good!
    I would love to know what you want to do after college?!
    Xox! Have a good weekend!!


  9. Happy Friday!

    Questions for you:
    – Favorite food?
    – Best/worst date you’ve ever been on?
    – Favorite memory from childhood?
    – Best gift you’ve ever given/received?


  10. Great post! That Starbucks looks so good right now!! Yum!!!



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