This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! As per the usual, i’m talking my favorite things today with Erika, Andrea, and Narci.


This week has been good. Lots of things happening, but today is the only day this week I had to work. I can’t complain about that 🙂



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Pause for a second people. Before you get into this post take a second to click and visit my favorite new page called “Shop My…“. I’ve updated it with books (Julie: think “the Vow”) and i’m hoping to have some jewelry, clothes, shoes, purses, house things up within the month.



Speaking of books, my friend Katie e-mailed me on Wednesday after my books post to see if I wanted a co-host for the new Book Worm Wednesday link-up. I told her I couldn’t say no to the person that gave me the inspiration for it in the first place 🙂 So, there will be some sort of new graphic to add to your favorite book post link-up, but for now make sure your calendars are pen’d in on 9/2, 10/7, 11/4, 12/2.




Another discount code!!!! Taralynn’s is having a temporary 50% off ALL DRESSES. But only until midnight tonight. Y’all don’t want to miss this. How often do you see dresses that are half price???? Never!

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*** Use code: DRESSLOVE at checkout***
*** Free shipping in the US ***



My new favorite exercise is going to the gym, hopping on the treadmill for the “cross country work out” setting and reading a book while walking. It’s so much better than walking about in the heat right now and the gym in my neighborhood is pretty quiet on most days. This is my go-to right now.




You know, I love summer. But fall is my favorite season and when I went in Target and walked through the scarves and saw they have their boots out already I got a little giddy. Oh, the days of layers are almost here 🙂

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Having days off work is something I won’t ever take for granted. I’ve gotten so much accomplished this week that I feel like everyone’s favorite hero, superwoman!!


That’s all for today, folks. See you on Monday!

Comments on: "Friday Favorites" (19)

  1. I feel ya, friend. Fall is my favorite season and seeing all the fall stuff out makes me beyond thrilled!


  2. When I saw all the scarves & boots out, I got giddy myself!
    I may have to join in with your book link up #ReadForLife


  3. So excited that fall is coming!


  4. I love all these things you posted about! Yay for your “shop my” page and the for shout out 🙂

    I’m emailing you about a graphic idea and half off dresses? Gotta check those out!

    I also love that you read while you run on the treadmill, I do that too!

    I was at Target last night looking at the scarves! We are two peas in a pod 🙂

    Longest comment ever, happy Friday Molly!!


  5. Yay for a shopping code! I need dresses for teaching, right? 😉


  6. I’ve been noticing fall items in stores too and I love it! Bring on the boots, scarves and flannel :-). Walking on the treadmill in the air conditioning while reading a good book sounds pretty great to me! Have a fabulous weekend lady!


  7. Katie Benedict said:

    First of all, please tell me you have that yellow and gray striped dress? I feel like it is so your style!! I’m going to checkout Tara Lynn’s after this. I’m OH SO excited about the reading linkup 🙂 Anddd the same thing happened to me at Target the other day. I was like ohhhh scarves I can’t wait. Also I ended up getting that cute planner I blogged about and I just added all of the football games into it. It made me so excited for FALL! Happy weekend!


    • It is! Yellow and gray are my colors! I hope you find something at Taralynn’s!! And seriously, adding dates and getting new planners is totally my guilty pleasure. FALL FALL FALL!!!


  8. Fall is coming!!!! So excited about seeing all the new fall collections out everywhere!


    • I know! I can’t believe they put everything out so early too. I don’t like when they do that for Christmas stuff, but I love it for Fall stuff haha 🙂


  9. I can’t wait to dress for fall!!! And just for everything about fall. 🙂 My wedding is October 10th (to answer your question from your comment on my post!) because we both love fall so much!!! I started running on the treadmill because of the heat but I feel like I won’t be ble to stop because I love being able to get my reading in while I run!


    • Ohhh I always wanted to get married in October for some reason haha! And yeah, i’ve kinda become addicted to treadmill workouts. I used to not like them at all but you kinda forget how far you’ve gone and everything when you’re reading while working out.


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