This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Own It

It’s Own It Thursday with Christina!! One more day of the work week and I can sleep in as late as I want to. YES. Also, can you believe it’s almost September??



When i’m at school sometimes i’ll put my headphones in before class so I don’t have to talk to classmates, but I don’t actually have the music on. Actually…that’s been more than just at school (and I usually don’t have a smile like this on my face) *embarrassed face*



I used to not brush my teeth in the morning. Before you get disgusted just think about…if i’m going to eat right after I wake up in the morning why would I ruin the taste of my food by brushing my teeth? And then after I ate I forgot that my breath was stinky so I just got dressed and went to school. Also…I just brushed them less than 12 hours before. But don’t disown me because I did say used to and now i’m a lot less stupid. And more hygienic.



I can’t fall asleep before 11. It just won’t happen. In fact i’m still writing my post and it’s 11:30. I probably look like this picture below because that was one night around 3/4 that I couldn’t fall asleep. I can be in bed watching Netflix but my body won’t get tired until after 11. It’s weird and I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!



I get way too excited over vegetables and fruits. My mom thinks it’s weird. She hates anything remotely healthy and so when I got excited in Bed, Bath, and Beyond about my veggetti to make zoodles she was embarrassed. Fruits and veggies are about the only foods that I can eat an excessive quantity of and not feel sick, so of course i’m going to love them. I mean I get so excited over broccoli for dinner (so much so that sometimes that’s the only thing I order at restaurants). Or i’ll make it for dinner and my family opts for pizza instead (rude, i’m making you food!). Give me all the veggies and fruits.



I love love love the soft spots on babies’ heads. You know, their cute little hair is growing in and they have that indention at the top of their heat. I just like to pet them like they’re a dog. Tommy didn’t have one when we visited him – i’m not exactly sure when they grow out of them…or even what they do to be honest. But he’s still cute!!!


I want to be sure to spread all of my “owning it” out since it’s a monthly link-up. And i’m exhausted. Ugh, adult life 😉

Hope you have a great day!

In case you’ve missed me owning it before:

Own It (Month 1) – Think baby food.
Own It (Month 2) – Think 0 prescription glasses.

Comments on: "Own It" (20)

  1. Girl, I was the same way in school or public places ha! The pictures are GREAT haha!

    Linds @ Not A Mom


  2. I’m the same way, I used to do that all of the time, or I would watch a show before class. I do that now on my walk to work (listen to music).

    My husband doesn’t brush his teeth in the morning for the same reason, he does it right after so I do understand your logic 🙂

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie


    • Haha at least I wasn’t the only weird one! And yes!!! I used to watch an episode of whatever show i’m binge watching at the moment right before each of my classes.


  3. Brussels sprouts on the menu at any restaurant make my day!


  4. Love this!! I’m really weird about vegetables and only really like them if they’re cooked on the stove or in the oven… I don’t like them when they’re mushy from the microwave!!

    ❤ Lindsay ( 🙂 )


  5. I did the same thing with headphones at the start of every one of my night classes when I was in college. It was after dinner and I will still on campus, and had a 3 hour class ahead of me. I did not have the energy to talk ha.


  6. Roasted veggies with lemon pepper or garlic are like my favorite ever. I love to roast broccoli or brussels sprouts. SO GOOD!


  7. haha i love eating healthy too! what’s not to get excited about brussel sprouts and broccoli 🙂 such a fun post love your pics too!


  8. Smart idea to use the headphones like that! I have a hard time trying to fall asleep super early too – I’m really trying to break that!


  9. So sad I missed this link up! I had it in my planner and I HAD A LIST! What was I thinking. Ah. I do the headphone thing all the time. Hahaha


  10. I used to always wear headphones in the car as a teenager. Sometimes I would pause the music and listen to what people might be saying about me, since they thought I couldn’t hear them.


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