This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Friday Favorites

Oh how I love Friday! 🙂


And i’m talking favorites this morning with Andrea, Erika, and Narci!



I had always heard about Bloglovin’ through other bloggers so I created an account to figure out what it exactly was. I had my account for a while and didn’t really understand it but then a coupe weeks ago Mattie had mentioned something about trying to follow me because she keeps up with all her favorite blogs via bloglovin’ and it all of a sudden clicked! Now I usually go through and read y’alls posts through there.

Make sure you’re following me because 1. it’s a way to get into this giveaway that i’m keeping open until Sunday night!! but 2. I can follow you back and keep up with your blog. Thanks goodness I have smart people around me to keep me up-to-date on blog happenings.


Quest Bar Flavor


You all saw last week that I did a protein bar test. I mentioned wanting to find a favorite flavor…or at least a couple of them. And I wish I would’ve taken a picture of the huge bag my mom brought home for me the other day from the store. I’ve tried pretty much all of them (Lemon Pie, White Chocolate Raspberry etc. are not going to be tried). I’m ranking them this way:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Cookies ‘n Creme (SO many people’s favorite!)
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Vanilla Almond Crunch
Cinnamon Roll
Double Chocolate Chunk

I still have to try Strawberry Cheesecake (not too excited about this one), Banana Nut Muffin, and Peanut Butter Supreme!) What is your favorite flavor Quest Bar?


Taralynn’s Shirts

Occasionally I do some fashion type posts on the blog. I wouldn’t consider myself a fashion blogger, but I like to highlight some wardrobe pieces that I think would be good in everyone’s closet.

I like to keep my closet simple. I don’t go shopping for outfits, I get one or two pieces at a time and try to work my outfits out according to the different pieces I have in my closet. It’s probably super abnormal..but hey! It happens 😉 I’m still the one whose momma will dress her every now and then. #noshame

This shirt is a favorite one from Taralynn’s. It was something simple I was able to throw it on with these rolled up jeans and a pair of wedges. It’s casual, yet cute at the same time. It wasn’t itchy (I kind of thought it might be) and fit me perfectly. All of her sizing is in her descriptions in case you’re wondering what to get.




This shirt is like a sweatshirt (trust me it kept me verrrrry warm this August day) but it also has holes in the sleeves where it gets breezy. Does that make any sense at all? It’s so different and unique.





Here’s a closer look at the sleeves.


And this shirt is more on the floral side…occasionally I do that. The sleeves are unique on this shirt too because they cut up the center of my arm.





And her jewelry too! I’m ALWAYS wearing it!


Don’t forget with Taralynn’s:

**Coupon Code: 0BZO4C4GZQHN for 30% off your order**

**Free Shipping everywhere in the USA**


Visiting Morgan

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Not too long ago we moved Morgan into college. Last weekend my mom went down to work on some stuff with Morgan and my dad wanted to go for her game Sunday because it was in a city closer to us than her school, but he needed someone to go with him. I told him if he wanted me to go wake me up 30 minutes before he planned on leaving. 8:00 Sunday morning rolls around and “molly, molly, molly” is being whispered in my ear. SO MUCH FOR SLEEPING IN DAD!

We got there around 1 and saw the bus the team rode up on. So naturally, we had to take a picture.


And then I was totally Morgan’s paparazzi taking pictures of her warming up….


…and lined up because she started!!! Yay!!!


…as a forward with the other freshman that made the traveling team.


The fun part though was that she was surprised because we were there and we were surprised because we thought she knew dad and I were coming. So she was warming up on the sidelines, looked over and saw us, then started waving frantically. So much fun!

And then once the game was over, which at this point I was like YAY because Louisiana is humid and I was a puddle of water. I totally had a proud mom moment and took pictures with Morgan.





And then we drove back in the same day. So proud of this girl already and she still has 4 years left to do big things there. I pray every day that she loves her school. Love you, MP!!!!

And that’s it this Friday. Have a great weekend friends 🙂

Comments on: "Friday Favorites" (27)

  1. Those shirts are a definite must #lovingit! How fun to show up to visit your sister like that and I am loving your shirt, so sweet!

    Linds @ Not A Mom


    • I know!! They rock! And it was fun especially because she was so surprised to see us. The team had these shirts made so we could all order them 🙂


  2. Look at you working it like a fashion blogger!! Get it girl! Have a great weekend!


  3. Cute, cute, cute!!!!! I so want that first top with the blue/green stripes! So fun!! Have a great weekend! 🙂


  4. I’m new to bloglovin as well but quickly learning how awesome it is! Happy Friday!


  5. Darcy said:

    I love bloglovin’! It makes following along to your favorite bloggers so easy!


  6. Already following you 🙂 I haven’t decided whether I like bloglovin or the GFC better but I usually just use both interchangeably but it’s kind of hard keeping up through bloglovin since I want to comment (but have a hard time through my phone).

    I love your new picks for shirts, perfect for fall and spring on the last one 🙂

    And do you love in louisiana? Or you were just visiting Morgan in louisiana?

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie


    • Oh I never knew that it’s hard to comment on the phone. Thanks for letting me know that. Morgan’s going to college in Louisiana so that’s why we were there 🙂


  7. You totally have to try Mint Chocolate Chunk Quest bars… it’s like a thin mint girl scout cookie… SO yummy!


  8. I like the banana nut muffin Quest bar! Hope you do too! My favorite is s’mores and cookies and cream though (how original, hey? 😉 ! I love those tops! They look like great pieces to mix and match. Hope you have a great weekend!!


  9. rothseri said:

    I also have a bloglovin but I just do not understand it! If I have a free minute this weekend, maybe I’ll try to figure it out 🙂

    I love your style! It’s so me! I haven’t heard of Taralynn’s. I just looked at their site and I may have to make a purchase or TWO! Haha 🙂 Have a great weekend Molly!


    • Please do!! You won’t regret it. I have SO many pieces from her online boutique. They’re so original! You have a great weekend as well! 🙂 Hopefully one of the two of us will be able to figure out bloglovin’ haha

      Liked by 1 person

  10. You look so good in your TL pics!

    Mattie is the best, so helpful 🙂

    Love that you got to see your sis play, you guys are so cute together!

    Happy Friday Molly!


  11. Those Quest bar flavors sound so good!! I love all three of those shirts, they look so cute on you! Surprising your family is always the best (even if you don’t know you’re surprising them!). I’m so glad you got BL because I would see you comment on someone else’s blog and then remember I hadn’t read yours in a couple days and kick myself! Now I will never forget!!!


  12. I literally open 12898479832 browsers to read blogs. I have Bloglovin but I never use it. I guess now is the time! I can’t believe Smores is so low on your Quest bar list! I LOVE white chocolate raspberry and strawberry cheesecake so stop dreading them haha!


    • Haha I actually tired strawberry cheesecake because my mom accidentally got it and it wasn’t THAT horrible.The S’mores one was too sweet for me which is why I don’t like these dessert-like ones….i’m weird I know.


  13. I like all three of the shirts! I’ve seen people mentioning bloglovin on their blogs, but I never knew what it was until now. It sounds great!


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