This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Before I start talking about my favorite summer moment I just have to say congratulations to….

Lindsay Otis!!!!!!!

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For winning the 1st day back giveaway from last Monday!! Yay! Shoot me an e-mail, Lindsay. And everyone else…thank you for entering the giveaway 🙂

Favorite Things 2015

It’s officially the last day of the summer months and to be honest i’m not mad about it. There were a lot of favorite moments this summer, so i’m just going to highlight everything because I just want to remember it all and I couldn’t pick a favorite one anyways 🙂


Dad took me to Boston to see our Sox play the Yanks at Fenway. BEST way to start summer.

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Emily and Tyler came home. Tyler brought his roommate and the 4 of us were together basically all week.


Emily and I celebrated our siblings at their senior day.


Reeana and I went hiking over Memorial Day weekend.


I celebrated my sweet friend, Valley getting engaged at her Bachelorette party.


I took my dad and brothers to a Rangers/Red Sox game in Arlington and met Shay there! 🙂

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Morgan graduated high school and Ry graduated middle school.


Valley and Trent got married and had such a beautiful wedding!


Multiple Tuesdays were spent having $2.00 margaritas accompanied by chips and salsa with Emily.


I took two summer classes. (I shouldn’t have added this one 😉 I wouldn’t mind not remembering this).


And I did a 10 day sugar detox with the co-hosts of the Today Show and made some healthy recipes while I was at it.



I spent as much time with Morgan as I could. Even if she was sleeping while driving.


Ryan celebrated his 14th birthday at Dave and Busters.


Emily and I had a delicious margarita on the fourth with Tyler.


Em Jowers and Carli drove to Dallas to meet me for lunch one day. So happy to see them after months of not seeing them.


And we spent a couple weeks in Iowa just tipping back bottles of Vodka 😉 (it was a joke), four-wheeling out on the farm, playing with puppies at my aunt and uncle’s dog farm, and playing with my little Tommy.

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Rick turned 16 and got his license.


Morgan moved to college.


I bought out the entire frozen coffee section at Kroger 😉


And we surprised Morgan before her first game as a collegiate athlete.


…all before driving back on campus since April.


I’m pretty bummed about school starting but i’m almost done and fun things are going to be happening in the next couple months. Here’s to a great summer and a great fall coming!!

Comments on: "Favorite Things Party: Summer Moment" (27)

  1. Yay so excited to win!! Emailing you! Can I just say how absolutely stunning you look in that wedding picture?! Girl! Perfection!

    Linds @ Not A Mom


  2. liz jo said:

    You had such a fun packed summer! It seems like such amazing things were happening every day! Even those summer classes 😉

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie


  3. I love that picture of you at the wedding! You look stunning and I love that dress on you! It looks like you had a full and fantastic summer! Isn’t is crazy to look back and see all that you did in just 3 or so months? I hope the fun only continues for you into fall! Silly question but I want to know what your favorite pens are that you included in your giveaway. As a therapist, I write ALOT and love finding good pens 😉


  4. What a great summer!!! I love doing little recaps because it’s easy to forget how many great things you did!!


  5. Sounds like such a great summer! I’m trying to pack in so much into the next few weeks because I feel like I didn’t do nearly as much early on!


  6. Such a fun summer – you had some awesome weekends (especially Red Sox / Yankees game!)


  7. This is so cute!! Those wedding pictures are so pretty!!! You had a lot of big things happen his summer!!


  8. So fun to look back on your summer and I agree with the other bloggers you look gorgeous at that wedding! Love your hair down.

    One of the highlights of my summer was meeting Shay too 😉


  9. $2 margaritas?! That would be heaven to me. Haha. What a great summer! You did so many fun things!


  10. rothseri said:

    Sounds like a great summer! So fun that you met Shay! Her blog was the first ever blog I started to keep up with. How was it meeting her?? And I can’t wait to see my Sox play soon! I am heading back up to Boston on Friday 🙂 Can’t wait!


  11. I love how you wrote this post! There were big things and there were little things that made your summer amazing. Here’s to fall! (Even though you called me out on IG for drinking pumpkin today…)


  12. Okay, you’ve done so many great things this summer! I think I might need to think about that sugar detox…sigh


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