This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

YAY! It’s Katie and I’s first edition of Bookworm Wednesday. For those of you still unfamiliar, we are going to host a link-up on the first Wednesday of every month where everyone will talk about the books they read. We’ll see what others recommend, what they wouldn’t recommend, what they liked that we might have disliked and vice versa. Get your amazon accounts ready people; we’ve got books on the brain!


This month, I slacked. I only read 2 books and started a 3rd but am still in the middle of it. With school and work all week and lots of family/friend time filling my weekends, I am out by the time my head hits my pillow. But the main reason for the lack of reading this month…

ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" - Season Ten

These people pictured above. Grey’s Anatomy has taken any and all of my free time. I’ve binge watched the entire 11th season and there are no words. Are they really not going to make another season?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

Book 1: The Princess Within by Serita Ann Jakes


I’ll be honest…when looking at this book on the shelf I was not very interested. It says “for teens” on the bottom so I figured it was going to be very juvenile. Buuuuuttt occasionally as I am, I was wrong. It is written more for younger girls but I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily a bad thing. For me, it dumbed things down a little bit so I could really grasp the concept. I think any woman any age can read this book and get something out of it. There was an application at the end of each chapter that asked you a question that you’re suppose to think about for yourself like “what difficult choices are you facing this week” or “are you having a hard time forgiving so and so?” and Serita writes a little about each question, tells you Bible verses to look through, and encourages you to write a journal of all these questions and responses. I actually have them all written in a note on my phone that I can use as a topic for my quiet time if needed. I read this in the car within the days we were moving Morgan in. Short, sweet, to the point.

Book 2: Miracle at The Higher Grounds Cafe by Max Lucado


LOVED this book. Occasionally I will step into Mardel and see what kind of deals they have going on for their books (because usually there’s always something) and i’ll find some really good ones. I saw this book on a couple of shelves and decided to just get it because it looked like it would be a light read. And it really was. I read it a lot at night when I couldn’t sleep. Or on the treadmill as I was walking ^^. Miracle at Higher Grounds Cafe was positive, made you want to read more, and ended on a happy note. You can’t complain about that.

I’m hoping to get more reading accomplished this September…and not textbook or required reading. Wish me luck! Don’t forget to mark your blog calendar for our next BWW:

October 7th

And I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has decided to write a bookworm post today. I’m more than excited to go through and read everyone’s book list and whether or not they liked their books for the month. Get some good ideas here below:

Comments on: "Bookworm Wednesday – September" (22)

  1. Goodness gracious, my book list is going to get so long with all of these ideas 🙂 I didn’t know about this linkup but I should join next time–I love it! Have a great day, friend!



  2. I really want to make reading a priority in my life but I often get stuck in front of the tv! This is encouraging though, I need to add those two to my list!

    Linds @ Not A Mom


    • I get it, sometimes I forget about reading or just plain don’t feel like it. I’ll probably be putting them on my “Shop My” page soon, so I’ll let you know! Hopefully next time you can join the link-up 🙂


  3. I really need to start reading more if I’m ever going to get through my book list with all these wonderful book posts now!


  4. I’m having the same problem with reading…but the show that’s distracting me is Hart of Dixie. I need to get back into it!


  5. OK – I was wanting Max Lucado’s book so badly – you just gave me the push to get it!


  6. rothseri said:

    I love Grey’s!!! And guess what! They ARE coming out with a new season! Premieres this month! Yay!


    • ARE YOU SERIOUS?! You just gave me the best news all day. It’s just not going to compare without Derek though 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • rothseri said:

        Haha I’m so happy I could break the news to you!!! And I know, it was heart breaking! But I am so excited to see what the show will be like now. And my new favorite is Amelia! I just love her character


  7. Love this link up Molly thanks for hosting! I’ve been slacking with my reading too but it feels so good to get back into it!


  8. Sophia Rodriguez said:

    I’m totally joining this link up next month! I’ve got a post scheduled for tomorrow about books and how I really need to step up my reading game. I can’t wait to see all the recommendations!


  9. I love that The Princess Within gets you thinking at the end of each chapter!! That’s what I try to do with books like that even when they don’t ask questions, so that is so helpful! Hopefully next month I have books to share…I will need the mental break from planning for school haha!


    • I know! I do too. I’ll be tired of reading power points, textbooks, notes. etc. That’s why i’ve resorted to Netflix, but I think I need to lean more towards books this month!


  10. Katie Benedict said:

    I read this earlier and thought I commented. One last season of Greys! Even though it is sad without Derek. I’m sure it will end in a good way. Yay I love our linkup. Next time will be even better 🙂


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