This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Good September Thursday morning!

Sophia at Xoxo, Sophia nominated me for the Liebster award.

liebster award

I did one back in April when I was nominated by Katie at Better Off Benedict and I did the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award after Shelly at The Queen In Between nominated me.

But thheeennnnn, Sophia nominated me I knew I couldn’t say no. I just can’t; so here I am answering more questions 😉

1. What’s one item you would buy over and over again, that isn’t a necessity?

Coffee. It’s always coffee. I think know I have an addiction.

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2. What/Where is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be somewhere with my family. We don’t take many vacations as a family and I think that just about anywhere would do. London, Paris, Bora Bora, The Bahamas, I really don’t care I would just like to get out and travel 🙂

3. What is your favorite beauty product?

Oh man, I don’t think I have just one favorite. I think I have multiple favorites. Some are in my favorite hair products, some are make-up products, and I love me some good nail polish too.

My Favorite Hair Products
My Beauty Routine
My Favorite Nail Polish

4. What’s your favorite holiday and why?

If you would’ve asked me this questions months ago I would have said the 4th of July. However, my past 4th of July’s have been a bust so I haven’t really been looking forward to it as much. I guess if I had to choose a different one it would probably be Thanksgiving. I love food, getting together with family, the weather, the anticipation of Christmas coming afterwards, and everything in between. It’s a Fall holiday 🙂

5. What were the very first blogs you started reading?

Shay, Andrea, and Erika were the very first.

6. What motivates you to work hard?

Knowing what the end result is and knowing what I can expect at the end of it. Maybe it’s an assignment at school and knowing I will get a good grade. Maybe it’s a project at work and knowing that I will be done with it and not have to think about it again haha. Just knowing I will appreciate the end result will really make me work hard to complete it.

7. What’s the last movie you went to see? Was it any good?

My family went to see Hawaii for Father’s Day this year (I really don’t go to the movies) and none of us liked it. During the movie my dad leaned down to my mom and said “is this over yet?” hahaha! So no I wouldn’t recommend it.

8. What’s your number one tip for blogging?

Be genuine. I can tell when people skim through my blog just to leave a comment and while I always appreciate comments, it’s just not genuine and not the point of blogging. Being genuine in posting, nobody wants to read a fake blogger either. Blogging is about being real and talking about you. And interact with other bloggers…you can meet some cool people!

9. If you won $1,000, what would you do with it?

SAVE IT! Some people have an addiction to shopping, but I have an addiction to saving. Sometimes it’s a bad thing, but sometimes it’s a good thing. I always, always save my money!

10. What is a talent that you would like to learn?

To sing. We were doing Karaoke at my grandpa’s birthday party and I heard videos the next day and was 1. so embarrassed but 2. felt bad for everyone that had to listen!! Haha


And theeeennnnnn, Julie nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award.

1.Give a brief story of how your blog started.

Instead of sharing it here, I am planning to talk about this sometime next week, so check back then. If you are just dying to know now, check out my Colors of Life page because that’s basically the gist of it!

2. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.

See my above question 🙂

And theeeennnnnn, Lindsay at Not A Mom was nominated for the Liebster Award, but she didn’t nominate anyone and mentioned me as a blog to read??!!! I know, right??? Lindsay, thanks for making me smile!

Today I won’t be nominating anyone either because just about all of you have already done one at some point or another. But let me just say, you all just make blogging so much more than a hobby for me. I really look forward to writing my posts, getting your comments, and having conversations with you. It wouldn’t be nearly as much fun if I didn’t have such amazing blog friends like all of you reading this.

Comments on: "You nominate? I accept!" (19)

  1. Love this 🙂


  2. Those comments where you can tell the person just skimmed and didn’t really care and posted it make me sad. And then the ones where the person just copies and pastes, “Great post!” on every blog in the world just annoy me. But I love the genuine comments! And I would save the $1,000 too! I might not all the time, but at this point we’re saving up for a down payment on a house and $1,000 would be a major help!


    • Me too! And genuine comments are my favorite too…which is why I love your comments! You’re always so genuine 🙂 Gosh, if I had the $1,000 i’d send it to ya!


  3. My Urban Family said:

    If I could pick a talent it would be singing as well! I’m awful but I love music and singing along! Might be more pleasant for others if I could actually tell what pitch I was singing at haha I’ve done karaoke a few times but it’s so embarrassing ha


  4. rothseri said:

    I love these posts because we get to learn more about our favorite bloggers! And I am with you with saving rather than spending!

    – Seri


  5. Sophia Rodriguez said:

    I just recently, like two days ago, found a coffee that I like. I’m so excited for winter to get here so I can have a warm cup in the mornings! And we are getting a Starbucks in a couple months and that makes me even more excited!!
    I’d save the money too, for a vacation…with family!
    Thanks for answering these questions! (:


  6. Love your tips for blogging! I would save the $1000 too! Seeing my savings increase is more satisfying for me than shopping (sometimes…..).



  7. 4th of July is like New Year’s! You’re supposed to have big exciting plans and it never ends up that way, at least for me;) I would definitely save my $1,000 too! I’ve gotten way more careful with money as I’ve gotten older! The blogging community is half the reason it’s so fun. I love “meeting” new friends 🙂


  8. London & Bora Bora? Yes please! I love that your such a family girl. But with all those siblings and your adorable gpa, I can see why! Thanks for the shoutout! Yay for blog friends!


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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