This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Grandpa is 95

Every year for my grandpa’s birthday my mom usually goes up to spend time with him for a week. However, every 5 years all of us get to go up and party with grandpa.

September 11, 2010


September 11, 2015 came this past weekend. And it went quickly. We had a 7:40AM flight and were all up and at ’em (Starbucks in hand) Friday morning.


We got to Iowa around 9:45AM, but had to drive 2 1/2 hours to get to my grandpa’s so we didn’t get to see him until 1. We hung around at his house all day until it was time to leave for his “party” (really, birthday dinner). I caught him primping for the big night šŸ™‚


By 5, my cousinĀ Ean and I hit the road with my mom and our uncle to get some balloons for grandpa!


Everyone arrived near the same time and we started with our wine. I never get pictures with my mom, so I made her take one with me. My mom is the best woman alive no question.


My grandpa is the oldest of 6 kids and these 3 are the only ones still living. They’re the cutest siblings ever!


While we waited on dinner we decided to take some pics with grandpa. I’m sure he was getting so tired of it, but he was definitely a trooper.

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Grandpa and his 6 kids. This right here is the reason I love big families and want a big family of my own. Because it is oh so fun, especially when everyone gets together.


There were about 30 people there and we toasted our favoriteĀ guy, because without him none of us would be there.


Morgan was one of the 3 grandchildren that couldn’t make it, so while we had her game playing during dinner we held her up near grandpa so she could be there as well.


And just like grandpa’s 90th birthday party he let his balloons go after we sang happy birthday to him. He is just a go-with-the-flow guy and that makes him so much more fun!


We all had a great night and sang some karaoke after dinner while dancing along. Ean and I totally bombed the karaoke part. I was not meant to sing. AT ALL. I feel bad for everyone who was there.


The next day we all sat around talking, laughing about the night before, and watching the Iowa/Iowa State game. I’m still upset that Iowa won the game, but I was busy sleeping during the entire thing that I couldn’t even focus on it.

Every Sunday morning grandpa goes to his favorite Chinese restaurant for a buffet and we all joined him this week. Afterwards, we took some pictures with grandpa (because Reese came to surprise him after the football game he coached on Saturday.)


Reese and I have been best friends since the day his mom brought him home from Romania. I love having cousins who are best friends.


I’m totally a grandpa’s girl.


Our flight was later that night, so we came back to hang out at grandpa’s and it wasn’t long before we got home that he was passed out in his chair. We wore the poor guy out this weekend!! I’ll always remember him and his chair.


We were all sad to be leaving, but we LOVE our Gramps and can’t wait until September 11, 2020 when he turns 100!!! And i’ll be 26. Oh, boy. I have a feeling it will go faster than I think.

Comments on: "Grandpa is 95" (18)

  1. Happy birthday to your sweet Grandpa! What precious memories you have! He seems to be an incredible man!


  2. Sophia Rodriguez said:

    What a fun birthday for your grandpa! I’m a grandpa’s girl too so I know these are special memories that you’ll cherish forever!


  3. Such a milestone! Happy birthday to your grandpa! Looks like some great memories were made šŸ™‚


  4. My Urban Family said:

    Happy Birthday to your grandpa! It is so sweet that your whole family gets together like that! I have a tiny family and I sometimes feel like I’m really missing out. I mean, I have NO cousins.


  5. So precious!!!!!


  6. LOVE everything about this.
    What a fun celebration!!! GO GRANDPA!!!


  7. So sweet! I love it! I never get pictures with my mom either! I’m trying to work on it. šŸ™‚


  8. such a grreat weekend! I’m so glad that all of you get together every 5 years to all celebrate. That’s a great thing for your grandpa. Looks like it was really fun for all of you, especially your grandpa šŸ™‚

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie


  9. Oh this looks like such a fun weekend!! Your Grandpa and you are so sweet together! I’m glad Morgan could be there in spirit!! šŸ™‚


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