This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Hey Hi Helloooooo Friday!

Next week is going to be a busy one; I already know it. I’ve got 2 tests, half of a project due, I start my Full-Time position, with some Dr. Appointments thrown in there. It’s just another week, but school-wise it’ll be hectic. So I am going to enjoy this weekend!!


However, time goes on and it’s Friday….so it’s time for my favorites of the week with Andrea, Erika, and Narci.




Have you heard of NF? I was recently introduced to his music by a friend and he quickly became a favorite. Sometimes I don’t want to listen to country music or Christian music when i’m working out…I need something that is going to pump me up. But I haaatteee the lyrics of rap songs. I don’t use the term hate often, but it’s just awful. NF is a Christian rapper and his songs can get me pumped up. You should check into his music, you know if that’s your thing 🙂




This is fall. Sunday was in the 70s, I had my slippers on, a fresh loaf of Pumpkin Spice bread baked, a cinnamon cider candle burning, and a cup of green tea in my hand while I was working on school work and had football on the television. Does it really get any better? This is my favorite time of the year.



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This is my pastime. Watching baseball. My Saturday morning and my Monday night were spent out by the ball field watching two of my favorite boys play their favorite sport.


Monday’s Frittata


Randi said she made this the other morning and loved it. I am so so excited!!! Has anyone else been able to make it/have any feedback? I made my mom try it and she thought it was good as well. I told her it was healthy and she said “gross” haha. I’ve brought it to work in the mornings this week and it’s been the perfect breakfast to heat up and snack on. My favorite recipe that i’ve come up with this far!


A GREAT deal!


Okay, friends!!!! Let me just start with this disclaimer: this is not real Kendra Scott jewelry. However, I found all of these Kendra look-alikes and I immediately thought of you all. Why? Because you’re my favorite people. And when I find new favorite things, I have to show my favorite people. I just somehow have this hunch that you will jump all over this. I’m going to add these to my “Shop My…” page with these prices plus shipping (where you can follow the directions there) and get your items. EEEK! Look, I love these. They look EXACTLY like Kendra’s and nobody knows the difference. And you’re paying four times LESS than the actual price (literally). I know for me that is huge. These also make great gifts as well. I got the blue necklace above for my sister….I really hope she’s not reading this right now since I haven’t given it to her. 😉

There are more styles, but these are the ones I picked out originally. You can pick your own style, pick your favorite color, and get styled!! Or just get some gifts for Christmas off your to-do list!

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You’ll have to excuse my awkward selfies, but I wanted you to see what the earrings look like on someone. I wore this pair to work the other day and they made the perfect statement. And. They. Look. The. Exact. Same.

So head over to “Shop My…” and snag your deal! 🙂

Happy Friday!

Comments on: "Friday Favorites: Don’t Miss This Deal Edition" (14)

  1. Love the Kendra Scott look a likes! I’m with you fall is the best time of year. It’s crazy how little things like bringing out a sweater or baking pumpkin goodies can bring so much happiness!


  2. My Urban Family said:

    Happy Friday! Those earrings are super cute on you! It’s always a fun find when you see something for way less money but it’s basically the same 🙂


  3. I have eyed Kendra Scott’s pieces on Nordstrom before and love them. Good find! Its always nice when you can find a look-a-like at a better price! Hope you have a great weekend and get to relax before your busy week!


  4. Those earrings are soo cute on you! I’m so jealous of your pumpkin bread. Delicious! Have a great weekend!


  5. Wow – good luck next week! You deserve a nice, relaxing weekend! Thanks for the shoutout! I’m planning on making it again this weekend for my roommates, so I’ll let you know how it goes! Also OBSESSED with that one small $15 necklace. Where do you find these awesome things!? Happy Friday!


  6. Your picture under number 2 made me feel all fuzzy about fall :p and I love your outfit in the last picture. I need to see your heels up closer!!



    • Next time I wear them, i’ll take an up close picture just for you!! I’m going to try and find them online to link to them. Eek!! Hopefully I can!


  7. I gotta try monday’s recipe, I’ll keep you posted! I love the jewelry, it would be great holiday gifts! Have a great weekend, boo!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  8. If it was only in the 70s for fall, I would be happy. It was 62* tonight and I’m getting sad because it was SUCH a long winter last year and I’m not ready for more cold haha! I love the Kendra look alikes! PAY DAY WHERE U AT


  9. Sophia Rodriguez said:

    Pumpkin bread sounds delicious right now! Such a good deal on the jewelry, going to check it out right now!
    I hope you have a great weekend!


  10. You are adorable…loving those earrings. I’m definitely checking out NF so thanks for the recommendation. And that frittata….yummy! Good luck on your test this week!


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