This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Hellllooooo guest blogger day!

You all know I love this day. I love sharing my friends and their passions/interests with you. Today, Lindsay from Not A Mom is guest blogging. I think I first clicked on Lindsay’s blog after reading the name in a comment. I was intrigued as to what it meant…if you are too you can read about it here. After spending some time on her blog I realized we both struggled with depression among other things. I started commenting on her blog and it was history from there. Lindsay (girl, where have you been lately!) is usually the first person to comment on my posts every day. And y’all also know i’m a HUGE FAN of comments as well. So naturally i’m a fan of her 😉

Today, she’s talking about Hot Yoga. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!!


Hi Molly’s Friends aka Colors of Life readers! I am SO excited that not only did Molly invite me to come guest blog but also invited me to my very FIRST guest blog. Colors of Life was one of the first blogs I found when I really started in this community just a few months ago and quickly became addicted to her posts then was even more blessed when she became one of my blogging friends. My blog consists of a cup of newlywed life with no kids but 3 dogs, a side of beauty/fashion that I am currently dying for with a dash of heartfelt moments. You’ll see on the side of my blog where I have a quick intro that my motto is, a day with no sweat is a day wasted which leads me to what I love HOT YOGA!

I began hot yoga in February purchasing a preview month. I was a newbie and by newbie I mean I haven’t even done cold yoga {or regular yoga ha!} let alone add 100 degree temperatures to a room yoga. Then to make me even more terrified for my first class, I signed up for the 6am! What was I thinking?! I entered my first hot yoga studio scared to death but excited for something new and pretty trendy from what I have heard.

I’ve always been athletic but back in February I hadn’t worked out in quite some time which is why I decided to try add some new things to my fitness life. Now I will say that I am heat loving gal. The summer time is my weather, I’ll take a heater over a fan and a sweatshirt over a tank. That being said, I don’t want to completely scare y’all off, I had my husband try some classes who is not about the heat and sweats in like 50 degree weather and he enjoyed it as well.

It is one of the most exhilarating experiences and to add it to my life 4 days a week has been mind-blowing. I walked into the studio not even being able to touch my toes and in 3-4 weeks I had my hands completely over my feet stretching. It is not the most social exercise, it is more internal but for me that’s what I was looking for, it is a constant reminder of how important self-care is for everyone. I love at the end of each class how my studio will give you an inspirational quote, a reminder that you deserve this and 3-5 minutes to lie on your back and soak in all the work that you just did for 90 mintues.

So that’s a quick summary now here are a few reasons why you should love it:

1} It does things to your body that you never expected! Your back gets stronger, which creates better posture and for someone that struggled with tremendous back pain that rocked my world. Like I said before I was touching my toes in 3 weeks which I NEVER would have thought I could have done.

2} You will CRAVE the heat! Sounds ridiculous right?! When I first walked in all the ladies in the locker room were telling me how addictive it is and how I will be dying to do it once I get it in my system. Having no idea what they meant, by the 2nd or 3rd class I quickly realized, I NEED THE HEAT! My body wants it and craves it and yours will too!

3} For you fitness freaks, it is the best supplemental work out! I added it with my barre classes, then with my weight lifting and it brought benefits into all areas. It is great to add with crossfit, barre, running, etc. It is so therapeutic on your muscles that even people with injuries will be in there to rehab their muscles and joints.

4} It will bring a smile to your face! I have yet to leave a class feeling down. They quickly let you know, especially if you are new that staying in the room is the goal for 90 minutes and anything else you do is just icing on the cake basically. So when I am able to complete classes now without having to take small breaks, I feel like I’ve won a gold medal which is boosting my confidence in ways I didn’t expect. It’s always a good day when I’ve been able to get my hot yoga class.

I hope this may have changed some of your minds, I know the sound of hot yoga is scary at first but you won’t regret it! Let me know if this inspires y’all to hit up your local studio!



The answer to your question Lindsay, is yes I totally want to go to a hot yoga class now. I think i’m going to look into it today. You’re right about it being intimidating…I hear people talk about it, but it’s been sort of scary to me. Hopefully I can find one of those free months studios like you 😉

Thanks for this post, Lindsay! It was great!

If you’ve missed any other part of this series about what we love, check them out:

Why I love running, and you can too!
Why I love yoga, and you can too!
Why Kylie loves spinning, and you can too!
Why Jamie loves celebrating, and you can too!
Why Christina loves hosting, and you can too!
Why Julie loves hiking, and you can too!
Why Randi loves Pittsburgh, and you can too!
Why Angie loves self care, and you can too!
Why Mattie loves Zumba, and you can too!
Why Katie loves reading, and you can too!

Comments on: "Why Lindsay loves Hot Yoga, and you can too!" (22)

  1. I’m back, I’m back! Thank you again so much! xoxo
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  2. Hot Yoga is my version of hell….;) But maybe I’ll have to give it a try!! Love that this is your first guest post, Linds!


  3. I’m SO AFRAID to try this but I so want to!!!! Is it good for someone NOT fit who has never done yoga!??!


  4. My Urban Family said:

    I’ve never tried hot yoga but it sounds like something I would love. I’m the girl that complains that it’s cold out when the weather hits 70 ha. Thanks for sharing!


  5. I have always heard of hot yoga but never tried it! I am not sure if it is my thing but I may have to look into it a little more!


    • Hey, ya never know if you don’t try right? That’s kind of what i’m thinking about it 🙂


    • It’s definitely worth a try, most studios have a free/cheap first class so you can try it. Some even have a great first month discount to try! You really reap the benefits after doing around 3-4 days a week for 4 weeks.
      Linds @ Not A Mom


  6. helloredds said:

    Hey Lindsay,

    I found your blog today on Waiting on Wednesday.

    Thanks for the info about hot yoga. I’ve tried it in normal temps, and I got really hot! Don’t know if I can stand the heat!

    Hope you have a blessed day today~


  7. I do love hot yoga! It’s so hard but feels so good when you’re done and walk into cool air! haha!


  8. I LOVE hot yoga, used to go all of the time before I had my kids. I’m dying to get back the studio


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