This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

I Challenge You.

You know, some posts I have thought/planned out in advance. And some posts I just don’t have planned at all, usually those nights i’m like “oh crap, what am I going to write about tonight?” And last night was one of those “oh crap” nights. For some reason when it comes to Thursday i’ve got nothing. Often times when I miss a post, it’s a Thursday. HOWEVER, we are not skipping today because I was thinking about my post last night and actually got an idea. #waytogobrain

I’m going to challenge you.


In case you didn’t already know, i’m a small group leader at Church for high school freshman. HUGE BLESSING! And that’s a challenge in and of itself i’ll tell you. Last night was youth group (we call it Hope Students) and the student pastor from one of the other campuses was preaching. I had never heard him speak before, but i’ll tell you now that he has me so intrigued! I love the way he speaks and his message? Awesome. So awesome that we’re talking about it today 😉

Without taking you to Church, no Hozier, I will not take you to Church. Get it? Where’s the laughing while crying emoji when I need it?! Okay yes that’s enough. SO without taking you to Church, i’ll give you 5 points that really stuck out to me in his sermon on creative generosity.

  1. Giving brings happiness.
  2. Don’t play fair – don’t follow the rules of “well, the Bible says tithe 10% of your income, so I don’t need to give more”
  3. Love everyone. God gave us the gift to love everyone, including our enemies.
  4. Be there for others when it seems like the last thing you want to do.
  5. Give like you can’t give anymore.

He then challenged us with a story about how he got the idea to get his friends to help him set up a little “restaurant” in their apartment for their couple friends to have a date night. They had a waiter, a waiter in training, a hostess, a chef, and a little band (all friends). The duo that sang was performing each of their “couple songs” and he said he was in the kitchen and all of a sudden heard one of the pastor’s wives start sobbing when their song was played. He told us that’s what he does it for. He mentioned the fact that he (and many of us) have made people cry sad tears before…but never happy tears (until then obviously).


I was just so encouraged and challenged by this pastor, so i’m challenging you to get creative and show some sort of generosity to someone today.

  1. Get your phone, open your texts, and send the 15th person in your texts an encouraging note. He had us do this last night and it was AWESOME! If you don’t have 15, go with #5.
  2. Send a note to someone in the mail today with maybe something as simple as a $5 gift card to somewhere. Like he said, we don’t get excited that we get $5, we’re excited because someone was thinking of us when they shouldn’t have been.
  3. He told us sometimes he’ll call someone, they’ll answer, he will randomly start spilling things he loves about that person and then hang up. They’ll try to call back and you just ignore it. Just let it sink in to them. Maybe you should try that!
  4. Buy a friend/significant other a vase of flowers if that’s your thing.
  5. The ideas are endless.

Decide how you can encourage someone today with your generosity…whether big or small!


I just love that ^^ Now what are YOU going to do?

Make it a great Thursday!

Comments on: "I Challenge You." (10)

  1. It’s so funny that you should post this because I’ve had a gift card sitting on my desk all week to send to a friend who helped me with something. Today is the day!! Great Thursday post 🙂


  2. Hi Molly! I just wanted to say hello! I found your blog though a link-up and I’ve been reading for a couple months now and thought you should know :). I just started a blog of my own (to track my marathon training) and I’m excited to be able to connect more with the blogs I’ve been reading! Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog! So, hello from a reader you probably didn’t know you had! 🙂


    • Hi Jenna! Thank you so much for letting me know that you read, that makes me SO happy to hear. I’m so glad you found me and I will come over to your blog tonight to check it out. Again, thank you for saying hi!!


  3. My Urban Family said:

    I just did the text message one! 15 was my sister-in-law and I remembered she had a job interview this morning – perfect! 🙂 Great post!


  4. Churches must all be synced to preach on the same topic, must be the time of year because the church I visited sunday did the same topic and I really enjoyed it actually. It was a wake up call to Tripp and me. I feel you girl on the Oh Crapness of blogging at times.
    Linds @ Not A Mom


    • Yes, very true. I learned so much about things I think or do that I can change, so it definitely challenged my thinking last night. The “Oh crap” nights are the worst because I’m usually up ’til 1am blogging and then exhausted the next day. #lifeofablogger


  5. What a beautiful post! Generosity is so important this time of year.. and sometimes you forget how powerful words are. Gifts don’t always have to be objects =)


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