This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

I cannot believe that my last spring break has come and gone. Now that means i’m officially 1 month away from this semester being over! And guess what you’re in store for this week???

My spring break recap!!!! Oh yeah.

So on Saturday the 12th, I hit the airport for a flight to Omaha, Nebraska! 3 out of my mom’s 6 siblings live here with their families so it sounded like the perfect vacation spot to me. Family time!

I took along book number 1 for the trip and read while I was waiting for my flight.


This lady was driving me NUTS. I’m sorry, but if you’re going to TEXT someone use your hands. That’s what texting is…if you’re going to talk on your phone…CALL THEM and take your loud conversation to a private corner. I just find it so rude!


My flight got in around 5ish and we went straight to my uncle’s house and did what this family only knows how to do…pulled out the booze!


Y’all know Reese. We’re best friends and cousins mixed into one. We decided to have a little photo shoot before dinner happened!


My uncle made baked potatoes with filet mignon (that ended up back in the microwave for this girl).


After dinner we sat around, talked a little bit, caught up, etc. But before we went back to my aunt’s house my uncle and his girlfriend showed us a dance move that they learned in Jamaica a couple weeks ago. These two…put them together and you’ve got entertainment to last you a lifetime!

My cousin asked the 24 Hour Fitness that he goes to if my membership would work, and it does! So Sunday morning I woke up and hit the gym for my BodyCombat class. And then Reese and I made a smoothie run to Scooter’s for him, but when I found out they have almond milk you can bet your bottom dollar I got me something.


Apparently Scooter’s is really popular around here (considering it was on every street corner we drove by)! I’m a fan.


After the gym and coffee, my uncle took me to Trader Joe’s so I could get some fruit and snacks for the week.


After Trader Joe’s my uncle decided that he needed a new TV because #whynot so we drove to Nebraska Furniture Mart to pick it up.


But when we found out every store was out of the one he wanted, we agreed it was Mexican food time! And let me just say, these Omaha peeps do not know what guacamole is!!! Geesh.


So Sunday night we did a little of the same and all hung out, ate dinner, and went to bed.

Monday morning I got up and went to the gym. When I got back, showered, and grabbed some food I got a call from my uncle asking if I wanted to go with him to a client’s house. Why sure, nobody else was home! So we took his car out for a spin and then hung out for most of the afternoon.


Monday night my aunt, a couple of her friends, and I watched the bachelor and once it was over Reese was wanting some BWW so we hopped in the car. Only to find…

Jingle Bells playing in March. So weird. Once we got back Reese and I started American Sniper and after he finished eating, we each went to bed. We are some lame people around here…but we’re off to a good start!

Alrighty, that was days 1-3. The rest is coming!

Comments on: "Spring Break 2016: Day 1, 2, 3" (12)

  1. I love that you chose to spend your spring break with your family! I can’t believe you’re so close to graduation eek!! But it looks like y’all have had a good time! I love how close you are to your family.


  2. Some people have no manners. She really looks like she’s talking into that phone too. My mom talks kind of loud and I always get embarrassed because sometimes she half shouts into it.

    Your family sounds so great 🙂 They’re too cute.

    You sound like you’ve had a great break (I’m guessing the rest will be just as fun). I can see why it went by so quickly.

    liz @ j for joiner


  3. Sounds like a great time spent with family!! So awesome you were able to use the gym there, working out on vacation can be so hard sometimes!


  4. Looks like a fun spring break! Family time is the best 🙂


  5. How stinking fun! That looks like such a chill week! That COFFEE, YUMMO! Wish we had a scooters in Bama.
    Linds @ Not A Mom


    • Oh my goodness, so chill! It’s been great!!! And we don’t have a Scooter’s in Texas. I had never heard of it so i’m glad we got to go while I was there!! It was delicious.


  6. Yay Omaha! I’m glad you had a good time, besides crazy airport lady! Scooters is wayyyy better than Starbucks.. I think anyway, haha. They make this peanut butter protein smoothie that is amazing (but really pricey!).


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