This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘chia seed facts’

Chia Seeds

My thing lately has been chia seeds.

When I noticed that I kept finding myself looking at health blogs/websites in my spare time, I realized that I wanted to start writing about what I was finding. I mean, if i’m already doing the research I might as well. It’ll help me and it’ll help those of you that care, too! 🙂

So…let’s start with the basic question.

What are chia seeds?

They are little black seeds from a plant called Salvia Hispanica. This plant is actually in the mint family. But they don’t taste like mint. These plants actually turn colors depending on the season, the crop, etc which is why sometimes chia seeds aren’t always a super dark black. You can see below that part of mine are more whiter. Color doesn’t matter, they have the same benefit!

This is how I buy them at the store.)

…which leads to the second question.

What is it about chia seeds?

  1. They are a superfood, naturally gluten free (of course), and the world’s best source of nutrition calorie for calorie.
  2. 28 grams of chia seeds have: 11g fiber (40%), 4g protein (14%), 5g omega 3’s, and lots of vitamins!
  3. Super high in antioxidants, which are molecules that help fight cancers and aging.
  4. They do have 12g of carbs, but almost all are fiber (which isn’t digested by the body so it doesn’t raise blood sugar or need our bodies to release insulin) so it’s not the carbs you’re thinking about.
  5. They absorb 10 to 12 x their weigh in water, so they expand in your stomach causing you to feel full and eat less. This is a good thing if you’re someone on a diet!
  6. Part of a high protein diet. Chia seeds reduce appetite and as a result you’ll be 50% less likely to snack at night.
  7. – 6 x more calcium than milk
    – 8 x more Omega-3 than salmon
    – 3 x more iron than spinach
    – 15 x more magnesium than broccoli
    – 6 x more protein than kidney beans
  8. Aztecs and Mayans would use chia seeds back in the day for fuel. Actually, chia means “strength”!
  9. They will get caught in your teeth. The first time I had them I was so annoyed because I felt like I kept finding chia seeds in my teeth. But I got over it. 🙂
  10. They can be made any which way…which leads me to this next part.

How can I get chia seeds in my diet?

  1. Sprinkle some seeds on toast with banana and peanut butter for breakfast.
  2. Toss a tablespoon or so in your smoothie/shake for a delicious snack. I soak them for about 10 minutes before I make a protein shake and I personally like being able to taste them.
  3. Pinterest recipes. I did this yesterday and printed out a chia seed overnight oats recipe (there’s A TON), chia seed energy ball recipes, and breakfast cookies. There’s so much!
  4. Buy them already in products at the store. I like to buy them like the picture I showed you before, as well as purchasing some of these products below!

This is one of my favorite chia seed drinks. Kombucha is the best and this drink is filled with chia seeds. I get this at my Whole Foods. Along with…


…this packet for my water bottles.


It’s also found at Whole Foods. Beware: People will think you’re drinking glitter. (Happened this weekend! Haha) I like these drinks when i’m wanting something other than the taste of water. Especially because I really don’t drink anything other than coffee and water.


These snack bars are some of my favorite. I mean look at these health benefits. Warning: It is a pretty small bar.


But if you hit up your Target now, they’re selling 2 for $8.00. It’s like they knew I was talking about chia seeds today.

There’s also speculation that chia seeds benefit those with digestive issues. UH HEM…me. And I will say that I have been doing better. I don’t know if it’s chia seeds or something else, but they’re definitely not hurting me. Chia seeds are said to help those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and regulate bowel movements. It can’t hurt to try if that’s you!

What are the risks of chia seeds?

  1. Too many chia seeds can make you feel bloated, that’s the seeds soaking up the water in your stomach and expanding.
  2. I would not recommend trying to swallow them as is. There was a story about a woman doing that and choking because they expanded and she had swallowing issues? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t ever do that anyways sooo…I recommend you don’t either 😉

So that’s chia seeds! If you have any good recipes/uses with your chia seeds please share in the comments! Happy Monday!

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