This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘VBS’

VBS Week Flashback

This week during the summer is one of the best weeks of the year. It was VBS week!!!!

Not only is it the one of the best weeks of the year it is one of the most exhausting weeks of the year. Our group had about 18 kiddos ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade for us 2 volunteers. The Pre-Kers are easy and sweet as can be, but the 5th graders like to be difficult and sassy, just as they should. Check out these crazy boys…oh did I mention they LOVE to take selfies? Welcome to the 21st century.


With more selfies (and a lovely photo bomb from moi).


And more goofiness.


Each early morning the volunteers got there around 8, and the kids started showing up around 8:30. Towards the end of the week they began bringing posters that lit up, balloons, streamers, colored clothes, bandanas, all kinds of fun stuff. The kids were all split into different teams. We were the yellow team so one of our kids dyed his hair yellow and made a poster this morning. Isn’t he just so sweet?


Every day after our beginning intro and singing we went to four stations…Bible adventure, Games, Snack, and Imagination Station. These are some of the cute girls and boys with me at snacks, which i’ll have to say is probably one of their favorite stations.


We learned through weird animals that….

  • Even though you’re different, Jesus Loves You.
  • Even when you don’t understand, Jesus Loves You.
  • Even when you do wrong, Jesus Loves You.
  • Even when you are afraid, Jesus Loves You.

These kids were oh SO FUN! They were always wanting to learn (even if they don’t admit it), most of them give you hugs ALL the time which makes you smile, and even though they like to talk and be kids they were pretty well behaved. I guess my buddy Alicia (AH-LEECE-E-AH) (she gets mad when you mispronounce it, I learned that this week:) ) just got lucky.


Alicia was an awesome partner and i’m glad I got to know her this week. She also wants to go to OU, Boomer!! Now check out our awesome crew, yellow 4:


Thank you Jesus for a fun-filled week with fun-filled kiddos! If you have not volunteered at VBS before, I highly recommend it. You never know what you will learn along with the kids you’re mentoring. I miss it and I am looking forward to VBS this coming summer 🙂

P.S. I recently signed up for the Susan G. Komen race for the cure, if you feel inclined to donate my fundraising goal is $100. Follow this link and make your donation 🙂

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