This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Ahhhh the sweet smell of Friday. Can you believe tomorrow is August?


I still have more of my vacation to recap, so today for my favorites thanks for Andrea, Erika, and Narci i’m sharing more of the later part of it. But make sure you’re caught up first:

Day 1
Day 2 and 3
Day 4, 5, 6
Day 7, 8, 9

Wednesday 7/22

Apparently Wednesday’s aren’t for pictures because these are the only ones I have on my phone. I did A LOT of reading at night…you know ’cause i’m such a night owl. If you’ve read this book before then you know it’s not the shortest. I read every night and i’m still 100 pages out or something.


And Morg and I spent another day at the gym.


Thursday 7/23

A lot of our days looks like this. Gramps and I sitting around the table reading smut magazines. G loves him some good gossip. And I love taking pics of him doing his thing. I’ll look back 10 years from now when i’m however old and say “oh yeah, I remember that”.


Every year we go to the Amish Store about 40 minutes away. It’s so crazy to see how different other people’s lives can be compared to mine. We were checking out and one of the girls was talking about how she wanted to go home, but she knew she had to do her chores before she could do anything else. It’s so fascinating to me.


I was scared to take their picture because they don’t believe in getting their pictures taking, so this was one of the people from last year.


This day when we got to the gym we didn’t really know what we were doing. Morgan has to do workouts for her school and she doesn’t know what any of it even means. The guy in the purple that you can kind of see there saw us, started laughing, and asked if he could help us. I said no but thank you and that we really didn’t know what we were doing and he said “yeah, I can tell.” Iowa people are suppose to be nice!!! But hey, we gave him a good laugh.


And it’s true, Iowa does have corn fields. Beautiful corn fields. In sunset. Heart eyes!!


Friday 7/24

Friday we played with lots of puppies. We took them downstairs in my aunt and uncle’s basement and just cuddled with them. Ahhh, Dyer Farms puppies are so sweet.


And Tommy came over again on Friday. Mom looks good with a babe attached to her hip. I told dad she needed another one and he said “No. We will wait until you or Morgan have kids.” I told him that would be a while and he said that was okay. What a party pooper.


Saturday 7/25

Tommy came over again for some Great Aunt time with momma. And we LOVED getting to play with him. He makes me smile with that crazy hair.


Sup, girl?


“Molly, i’m over pictures already.” Not the first time i’ve heard that one 😉


Later that evening after dinner, I served G up a nice juicy homemade sundae. I mean FOOD NETWORK, CALL ME UP.


And when I told him I wanted a picture of him with his sundae, this is what I got. #foodmodelstatus


And we just tried to soak up the last bit of family time while we could because this was our last full day in Iowa. 😦

Sunday 7/26

GOODBYE DAY IS THE WORST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My uncle dog’s woke me up at 3:30 and I couldn’t go back to sleep so by 6:00 I was watching the sunrise out my grandpa’s kitchen window with some iced coffee in hand. It was so serene.


Mom and I had everything ready to go 35 minutes early and we finally hit the road at 8:00am to pouring rain.


I tried to read a little bit while brat 1 got my co-pilot chair and slept. Ugh.




Get your greasy head out of my row. Seriously, long car rides are a struggle in our fam.


We stopped for lunch and I got a salad from Subway. This is my second time to get a salad from there and I was impressed again. I would highly recommend these!!


And by 3 hours away from being home we were all getting antsy. So I took selfies, while Ryan wore my glasses upside down.


Every road trip needs chocolate and dark chocolate covered coffee beans hit the spot. SO GOOD!


We finally made it home at 7:30, ordered Chinese food like we do every year when we come home from Iowa and I sipped on my g-free beer.


Then it was back to adult life for me at 6:00am. I never take these Iowa vacations for granted and this year’s didn’t disappoint. I know I won’t be getting to do them for too much longer, so I want to make as many memories as I can.

Thanks for coming on vacation with me!! See you on Monday 🙂

Comments on: "Friday Favorites: Iowa 2015: Day 10, 11, 12 and 13" (13)

  1. So much family time!!! That is best. And that baby is the cutest! I just want to squeeze him!! Happy Friday!! 🙂


  2. You grandpa looks so sweet, I especially love the one with his ice cream sundae! Chocolate covered coffee beans sound amazing right now! Happy Friday Molly!


  3. Katie Benedict said:

    It looks like you definitely had some fun!! Did you finish the book yet? Do you like it? I checked out the puppy farm and my heart melted 😉


  4. Katie Benedict said:

    Wait did my last comment go through? 😦


    • It did go through!!! I haven’t finished that book yet, it’s taking forever! And i’m so glad you checked out the puppy farm…those pictures just make me so happy 🙂


  5. Am I ignorant for being surprised about the electronic scale and whatever the electronic thing on the counter is in the Amish store? Do they take credit cards there? I’ve never been to Amish country and I just thought they didn’t use anything electronic at all! Maybe that’s just at home? Haha. I guess I could just Google it… 🙂

    Super cute baby and puppy! Love!


    • No!!!! I thought the same thing. One of them was on a cell phone and I turned to my aunt and was like “is that even allowed”. I don’t really understand the culture, i’ll be googling it with you 😉


  6. Those chocolate covered coffee beans sound amazing! So glad you had a nice time with your family! Great memories :-). Have a fabulous weekend!


  7. I am trying to get back in to reading at nights – with my ever-growing book list that shouldn’t be hard. The cornfields with the sunsets must be gorgeous!


    • SO gorgeous! And it took me a while to get back into reading actually. It does make it easier with all these road trips i’ve been on recently 😉


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