This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

August Goals

Oh boy, it’s the first Monday of August. And this month is going to be bittersweet. While I want to enjoy the last “month” of summer, i’ve got a school project I have to work on, Morgan is moving to college, and little brother grows up and gets his license 😦 Lots of big things happening in this household. So for my goals this August, i’m keeping it pretty simple. Here’s how July went.

July Goals

  1. Quiet Time.
    • Every day I spent in Quiet Time. I may not have always been reading through my Bible at that time. Some days I prayed as I was driving. My goal for this month was to really just spend more time in the Word and with God. And while I think there’s always room for improvement, I did fairly good.
  2. Memorize 7 Bible verses.
    Yep! Here are common ones that a lot of people know, if i’m memorizing things I wanted to start simple. I’m going to print them all out and hang them around my room. 🙂

    1. Micah 6:8 (MY Favorite)
    2. Psalm 118:24 (My blog’s verse)
    3. Mark 5:36
    4. Joshua 1:9
    5. Jeremiah 29:11 (My Church’s verse)
    6. Philippians 4:13
    7. Luke 6:31
  3. Clean out my closet.
    • I have a pile on my floor of clothes/purses that I am going to get rid of. I think I can do better, so i’m sure i’ll be adding more to the pile this month.
  4. Make 5 new recipes.
    1. IMG_8311
    2. IMG_8227
    3. IMG_8135
    4. IMG_7898
    5. IMG_8132
  5. Finish 1 book.
    • Check, check, double check! I’ve read enough books to catch up for all the other months that I didn’t read. In total, I read 4 books this July. I have vacation to thank for that. My review of the books will be on the blog Wednesday.

August Goals

It’s true!! ^^

  1. Do Yoga and Pilates twice a week.
    • August is really the hottest month in Texas. The cicadas are out, worms are dried to the sidewalks, and cars barely have time to cool down before you’re at your destination. I have not been hitting the pavement as much this summer with the temps in the 100s, that’s plain crazy. I did purchase new work-out DVDs including a yoga and pilates one, so i’m ready to break them out in the A/C, while the heat is scorching.
  2. Drink 4 bottles of water a day.
    • I mean you just heard…it’s hot around here. I always thought I drank so much water because really that’s all I drink besides the occasional cup of coffee. One day I subconsciously counted/watched the amount of water I drank and realized it’s not as much as I thought. This month, I need to drink 4 bottles or more a day.
  3. Focus on a New Years Resolution.
    • If you read my New Years Resolutions at this beginning of this year you saw that I had 4 quotes that I really wanted to focus on for 2015. For the next 4 months, I am going to focus on 1 specific quote each month. My goal is to do something in my life this August that will do this quote some justice:
  4. Get the “Shop My…” Page up and running.
    • I decided to do something i’m pretty excited about. I’ve created a “Shop My” page that you’ll see on the top bar of my homepage.
      COLheader copy
      Click on that and it will take you to a running list of items that i’ll update every few weeks or so. I’m so excited that some of my favorite things will get to be used by someone else!!

Have a good Monday! Come back tomorrow because you never know if there might be a giveaway going on…I don’t know. 😉

Comments on: "August Goals" (18)

  1. That “Shop My” thing sounds cool! I will look forward to checking it out when you have it up! Great goals for August! It helps me to get in enough water per day by buying a cute water bottle 🙂 and taking it with me everywhere. Now don’t ask how many bathroom stops I take but its for a good reason. Water is so important! I feel more energized for sure! Have a great Monday!


    • Aw yay!!!
      I know, i’m always having to get up in the middle of the night to go now, but I figure that’s better than not drinking water at all. Ugh. I’ll sacrifice 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay for a new month and fresh new goals. I always struggle with my water intake, I do so well during the day when the water bottle is on my desk, then at night I am busy running around and forget to drink water. I need to work on that!


  3. I love your goals!!! Yoga and pilates sounds like a better option than running in your crazy heat!!!


  4. Those are some awesome goals you have!! Hope you have a fabulous week!


  5. That “Shop My” feature will be so cool! I used to drink TONS of water at work…for some reason I’ve stopped drinking as much. I need to work on that!


  6. Katie Benedict said:

    Okay, I signed in before doing my comment 🙂 I’m really excited for your book review post. I’m doing one on Wednesday too. I really want to make a book review link up! Wow on so many new recipes. That is hard. I cannot wait to see your shop my page!


    • Haha yay!! It will be fun reading yours too. I like the idea of a book review link up. There’s so many bloggers that like reading and reviewing certain books.


  7. My type A personality loves goals! I love seeing what other goals people make! Have a great Monday!!


  8. Cups with straws make water drinking so much easier! I want to join you on the yoga/pilates twice a week goal 🙂


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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