This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Rick is 16

Yesterday my oldest younger brother turned the big 1-6. I feel like time is flying in my eyes, I can only imagine what my parents feel like. Like I said, big things are happening around this household this year.

The oldest turned 21 and starting her last year of college
The second turned 18 and then went to college
The third turns 16 and can officially drive
The youngest turned 14 and is headed to high school

When I got my license the state of Texas hadn’t issued the law where anyone trying to get a license has to ride in the car with a sheriff or police or whatever. But now they have to (starting the year after me…win!). Appointments are required and if you tried to schedule one now you would have to wait until October. It’s plain crazy.

Dad, the brothers, and I had to come home early from moving Morg in while mom stayed so Rick could make his appointment for 10:40 yesterday morning. I didn’t think I was going to be awake, so I set out his favorite croissants to rise overnight and gave him the directions on how to cook them when he got up. Look at these things! His favorite breakfast on his birthday 🙂


They got home a lot sooner than anticipated and we had a ceremonial “put the key on the key ring” moment. Him, not me. I’m just the photographer here. And i’m lucky I got a picture of him.


Then afterwards I was sure the world was ending because he decided to spend some time with me. I KNOW. So we watched Tuesday’s Pretty Little Liars episode.


And then I worked on some school work, picked up a box of cake mix to bake, and got a little work-out in before our dinner reservations. I got home from the gym to the birthday boy doing what he does….


…nothing. The boys had gone to get Ry‘s present to Rick earlier (side note: I missed the first drive by himself picture and i’m still kicking myself about it!!!) and then finished throwing the baseball outside before they came in to lay on the couch. Because when all you do is play video games all day, you will be exhausted when you get up for a few minutes to walk around.

We went to our family’s usual birthday dinner place for Rick’s birthday dinner. PF Changs.


This is me attempting a picture because I knew I wasn’t going to get anything else. Oh yeah, let it be known that the outfit he’s wearing – that he probably wears in every picture I take of him – is his favorite outfit. Which means that I was up at midnight on Tuesday night washing his clothes so he could wear these for his driver’s test. #bestbigsisteraward


We got our usual lettuce wraps and wonton soup.


Instead of edamame we got the cucumber slices. Yummy.


Dad got a dirty martini. And ew i’m not a martini fan.


And dad and I shared a new dish: Chang’s Lobster Rice.


While Ry got his normal Honey Glazed chicken and Rick got the beef and broccoli. So good.


We got a complimentary dessert.


And he made his wish and blew out his candle so dad could chow down on the dessert. It was a banana egg roll with fruit. Yeah, not a 16 year old’s dessert.


As we were walking out I mentioned something about taking pictures and THEY OBLIGED. Let this day go down in history….Middleton boys didn’t argue about getting their picture taken.

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After we got home, I lit a piece of the cake I baked him and we sang some happy birthday tunes for him to enjoy.


And he opened my gift of a new cross necklace with his baseball number engraved since he wore my other one out. Then went to his room to play video games or something as equally teenager boring. But, I now have another person that can chauffeur me around. #halfglassfull

I love birthdays.

Comments on: "Rick is 16" (12)

  1. Happy birthday to your brother! 16, that’s a big one! What a weird law to have to ride with a police officer. I haven’t heard of that before!


    • I know! I was just thinking about when I was 16 and how excited I was to drive by myself!
      Isn’t it??? I’m so glad I never had to do that. Talk about nerve-racking. I’ve heard of kids failing and having to take it at least 3 times.


  2. So nice you laid out his favorite breakfast for him – looks like a fun celebration!


  3. AHHH 16! Your poor parents must be going crazy!! What a cute am and a fun birthday!!!


  4. Aw how fun for your brother! When you turn 16 in PA, you take a computer test to get your permit and then six months after your birthday you can get your license! So Jake is all excited for September 22 🙂 I love the gift you bought him! That’s so special!


    • Yep, he put it on right away and hasn’t taken it off 🙂 Aw fun, my sister’s birthday is September 22 also! It’s funny to see how different states are with their rules.


  5. Woah that’s pretty intense to have to ride with an officer, but a good way to make kids take driving seriously!

    I never realized you had 3 siblings, I thought you only had a sister and younger brother. That’s so fun! I always say I want to have 2 girls and 2 boys but I don’t know if I could handle it, maybe just one of each would be nice.

    WAY to go mama and papa Middleton, they must have had their hands full with all of you! Hah


    • -Agreed, I think it’s probably a pretty good law, but it’s just a difficult process.
      -Yep there is 4 of us 🙂 I love it. I want at least 4, maybe some more! I have no idea how they did it. 4 is a handful and us 4 is even more of a handful hahah!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wait, is it like a ride along?! Or do you have to drive the officer around? I’ve always wanted to do a ride along, so I’d be down for that! But not for driving an officer around…I get anxiety driving ANYONE who I’m not used to driving (so basically anyone but Michael…ha!). I still haven’t watched PLL from Tuesday!!! I’m so bad about it. I always end up watching it late. I must watch tonight! This made me hungry for Chinese food, chocolate croissants, and birthday cake. Good thing lunch is soon, but it won’t be as delicious as all that!


    • Hahaha so funny! No drive the officer around. Officer tells you what to do and you have to do it. Make turns, parallel park, etc. No thank you!
      Watch PLL! Next week we find out!!! Yay!
      Seriously, you need to live close to me. We have leftovers galore and I like to share 😉


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