This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Happy Bookworm Wednesday!!


Every first Wednesday Katie and I host this link-up. Grab this graphic, blog about your reads for the past month, and then link to Katie and I. Submit your link below….it’s simple. And fun. I hope you join us! 🙂

I read THREE books this month and I learned this month that my favorite books to read are  about people I know. I love those little memoirs and autobiographies. Being able to connect the person with the paper just makes reading that much more fun for me! Get ready for more of these in June….and don’t forget to mark your calendar for June 1st for our next Bookworm Wednesday!

So my last day in Omaha over Spring Break this March, my aunt and I went to see Miracles From Heaven. Her friend was over earlier that week and talked about how great it was. I hadn’t heard anything of it and after they told me what it was about I was like “sure, why not?” People. I LOVED IT. If you haven’t seen the movie you need to! That’s why when I saw Miracles From Heaven the book at the store, I knew I was buying it.


For those of you who haven’t heard, this is the story of a little girl who has a VERY rare disease where her intestines basically don’t process any of her food. She’s constantly in pain with a distended stomach. Her mom takes her to Boston for treatment and it basically goes through the horrors of the entire process. One day she falls in a tree and hit her head just right that it cured her disease. Crazy story, but so fascinating.

I’m really glad I saw the movie first actually (I know, that’s a surprise) but the way Christy Beam writes the story the thoughts are bouncing around and I probably would’ve been confused. Regardless, I am so happy I read it because there really wasn’t much difference between the movie and the book. Jennifer Garner plays the mom in the movie and I heard somewhere that after she starred in the film, she started taking her own kids to Church again. What an amazing way to share your faith!

The next book I read was Fearless by Max Lucado.


I usually try to make one of my reads each month a Christian book. Now, I struggle with fear. I think a lot of us do. Fear is all-consuming and there’s a lot of things we can fear in life so I was looking forward to reading this one because I knew Max Lucado was well known and I liked one of his previous books that I read.

However, this book was kind of difficult for me to get into. When I finally finished the story I was just proud to be done. There were parts that I thought it dragged on, but I really think it’s great if you want a biblical outlook on fear. Max talks about fear in all areas of life…finances/money, death, etc. and how and why we should be fearless. It was challenging for me as a Christian. I am constantly trying to grow in my faith as a Christian, so I was able to take away some of his recommendations and thoughts. If you read this you might want to take notes (because I really don’t remember everything I read in this book).


Now that the weather has been nicer, I’ve been able to lay by the pool and catch some rays while I read my books. So relaxing!


My third book this month was Hoda: How I survived War Zones, Bad Hair, Cancer, and Kathie Lee by Hoda Kotb. Look, y’all know how much I adore this lady. Her and KLG are my people. You saw that being on their show is on my bucket list. I saw her book at half priced books, bought it, and was done with it by the time the weekend was over. I LOVE her personality, I love her stories – everything that she has been through and done is so fascinating, and I love that she is a normal person like us and had to work at where she is now. It also goes into the background of how her and KLG got together and I was surprised to find out that Hoda was there before KLG. I just love me some Hoda Kotb. I’ve always said that from when I first started watching their show in 2014.


Comments on: "Bookworm Wednesday: May" (7)

  1. I didn’t know Hoda had a book! That definitely sounds like a great read!


  2. Michelle said:

    Sounds like some interesting picks. I saw Hoda at the library and had my overload of books so I had to wait. Now you have sparked my interest. My favorite place to read is by a pool. Drink in hand and sunglasses over reading glasses – I know I’m old! Thanks for the party.


  3. Sounds like some interesting picks here. I saw Hoda the library and so now you have sparked my interest in getting it. I love sitting by the pool reading – especially since I have summers off. Thanks for the party this month.


  4. I want to read the first two! Glad to hear that you liked them!


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